WELL, if any thing could go wrong, yesterday and into last evening, IT DID!!
I did accumulate the "tray" of Mi's "Milbones" and had rubber banded a slip with each person's name on it for each day they left a message on my Blog and/or wrote me private email of wanting to, but Blog site would not allow them access!! And, just like any other typical child, when you want them to do something, and for neither "love or "Milkbones" will they do what you are begging them to do!! And, I have learned much about allowing "Mi" to be the unbiased selector!! It must be done first thing in the morning, before Mi and her "Daddy" get a chance to begin their long day and evening of continous eating, including going out for a frozen yogurt cone!! She looked at those "Milkbones" like "No, Thank You Mommy"!! She was too full by 8:00 p.m. last evening to even want to give them even a second glance!! I should have been used to it by then as my Computer was flip flopping all over the screen and I could not even get into the "Online Stitching Show"!! Thus, no Blogging for yesterday!! Finally, just before midnight, I tried one more time, after countless other attempts!! Mi looked at them and grabbed one only to just throw it to me!! This little one was banned from having one of her most favorite toys which she cut her teeth on which was a golf ball the day it hit the big screen television recently, which sits atop my fire place mantel!! She has quite the "toss" in her!! And, she choose Kathy Brandton!! So, I believe Kathy's computer is down for repair, but hopefully I will remember to tell her she was the lucky "Milkbone"!! And, I also wanted to document this big event, but the camera did not cooperate whatsoever!! It was as obstinate as our "guest selector" last evening!!
Congratulations Kathy!! You are now the proud owner of two pieces, possibly the third to follow, of "Amid Amish"!! Much thanks to every one who expressed interest in it. I am sure there will be countless others!!
And, hopefully above, and maybe below, is Day Number Six of my "Victorian Doll's House"!!
I am making progress, that even I can see!! So, now I am content to slow my pace down a little bit!!
Normally, I have a good deal of my morning, afternoon and evening to stitch!! I don't think I am going to push for three pieces per day, but I absolutely HAVE to begin setting up a "rotation" schedule for day and evening for each day of the week!!
I have soooooooo many WIPS!! I do not know how to begin to organize them. Hopefully Meari will still have some time to visit as she offered to a few weeks ago!! Meari offered to help me organize these, but I do not like to take any chances with my friends, or any one else for that matter, of coming around me when my legs are actively breaking down and seeping!! Well, these were forming blisters, about the size of a marble and bursting!! I have been "hospital acquired" positive for MRSA in recent years and I will not allow any one to be around me if there is active problems with my legs!! The doctor assures me every thing is okay, but it is NOT in my own mind and although my tests are coming back negative at this time, I simply will not take that chance with any one, particulary friends for any type of exposure from me!!
So, it is back to the doctor again tomorrow!! He plans to inject my shoulder and both knees with some long lasting and slow released steroid and pain killer!! They have been excruciating since my last severe fall!!
In fact, I began not being able to hold any thing in my right hand again late this afternoon!! Another 12-ounce Coke went splashing all over my Stitching Sanctuary!! Thus, far two skeins of DMC and one Confederate Blue 14-Count Aida cloth ordered for a Just Another Button Company tea cup were damaged!! But, this is according to Max as I was so upset that I could not check this out for myself yet!!
I am extremely worried about my right arm as this is my stitching arm!!
The doctors have said no more surgery!! I am in complete agreement with them!! However, I do not want to be trying for yet another way to learn to stitch as I think I have run out of ideas!!
So, I plan to really work on my rotation and see what the doctor has to say about my infection level tomorrow so hopefully if Meari still can work me in she will!! I so enjoy her company also!! And, I am very much a "B" when it comes to other "furbabies" coming around my little Mi. HOWEVER, Meari's little darling, Celeste is more than welcomed to come visit with her "Mommy" any time Meari wishes to bring her. We can work in the Stitching Sanctuary and Max can Celeste and Miprezious sit!! He is good with the babies and is a pushover for any thing they would like!!
So, there is hope that Meari will get me and this Blogging thing straightened out ASAP!! Meari's Blog is always so very neat and fantastic!! I will be very happy with just her "mediocre" if she has such a mode!!
I hope you all can see "progress" on my construction building of the Victorian House!!
Say a few extra prayers for my right arm that it will some how just go back together the way it needs to do without more surgery!!
Love and Hugs!!
Miprezious, Too!!
Great progress on your doll house. Try soaking the aida and then throwing it simply in the washing machine. I got tea out of my white fabric by using enzyme powered washing detergent - not anything I would recommend normally. But if it looks as if its ruined anyway, just give it a go.
I really really hope you'll feel better soon.
Doll house is looking good. Hope your arm is better soon.
Hope everything goes well at the doctors today.
Your doll house is coming along! Yay!
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