I had a pretty good day today as Eunice has talked me into just using the fast-acting type of Morphine for the duration of the RSD flare-up!! After all this time, it feels like it is never going to stop!! Thus, I could get up and move about a bit more today!! Doctor told me yesterday he could place me back in hospital any time I wanted to "give it up"!! Not in my vocabulary!! NOT!!
My mail came and I had a nice package from House of Stitches. I got the rest of the Lizzie Kate Boo Club Flip It series, January and March Blackbird Design Monthly Stocking Series as I already have February!! And, of course, my Just Another Button Company May's Teacup Series with the Banana Popsicle bright yellow fabric with 7 of the most incredibly expensive buttons yet!! So, I was a happy "camper" and all was really fine!!
Well, just before the mail came, I was chatting with Kathy, as we do most afternoons at 2:30 p.m.!! We both were a bit "blue". I do not know if Max axed my best caregiver, Wanda, or not!! And, my dear Therapist and Ms. Etiquette, both crucial in my life, a.k.a. Kathy was directing me on what I should do next!! And, dear Kathy is hitting that time of each month!! No, I wish it would be as easy as "cramping" as she would get over that eventually!! Kathy was having those "blues" as it will be almost four months since her mother passed who I could not have respected and loved more if she had been my mother, too!! This monthly takes a life time to get past!! However, we were reminiscing, and Kathy was telling me how her mother loved pansies!! I had several pansy charts, which I can put my little hands on almost any chart now instantly now that I am organized, and I pulled some off and scanned pictures of what I had available while we continued to chat!! Kathy said that one of my charts called simply "Four Pansies" had the most perfect of pansy on it!! I told her I would have it in the mail before night fell tonight!! But, then I opened it, as Kathy wanted to know just how big these charts were.
I was absolutely shocked to open the chart and find the entire chart all highlighted in "yellow"!!
I told Kathy I could not believe what I was seeing. Now, Kathy knows me, better than I know myself, during a large amount of time!! She can recall just about every thing I have forgotten since she began calling me, while I was still just uttering "babble" in that "hellhole" Nursing Home I was placed in late 2006!! But, unfortunately, I am on my own for the greater part of time previous to then!!
I was having a real "spark" connecting those few brain cells!! I simply could not believe it!! I finally asked Kathy did she want the chart or the stitched and finished pansies already done!! I think she wanted to ask "just how much morphine I had today", but instead she just wanted to know what I had done with them!! I just suddenly remembered they were in a stack of WIPS and UFOS most likely, and I thought I knew were they were located.
So, then I made Max take me into "that room" (our affectionate name for catch-all POS)!! I could not get too far in it as I have never been able to as it is a sharp 45 degree turn off a very small hallway!! I finally had Max drag out a big plastic bin that was about 18" deep and a bit over two or three feet long!! Max opened that bin and I thought "GOOD LORD, do I have that many WIPS and UFOS"!! Well, the good news was no I did not, but the better news was as Max said, "What do you mean you do not have any white fabric? How much do you need in the next ten lifetimes?"!! Then, Wanda called and she asked me if I did not remember another plastic bin, about the same size that is still in the lower level of this home. Spark smoldered, I knew nothing!!
Wanda informed me I have yet another bin the same size that is filled with about half used and half unused fabric in the second bin. She said she would be over tomorrow to drag it upstairs to me!! I guess I will be getting up to clear some more shelves!! I am so excited and anxious to see what is actually stitched and in the bin!! My UFOS AND WIPS count may break all records known, but I am willing to take the chance and see!!
I had a very small town paper do an article on my stitching from long, long ago some years back. I had found a book of charts and each page had a beautiful quilt square with very special Bible verse and some thing to illustrate it. When put together and made into a quilt, it was a copy of one some one designed in memory of a lady who had passed from cancer. Being I knew nothing about quilting a church ladies group was going to quilt these blocks together and make the same quilt as I donated them to a fundraiser for three young boys all from this same small town who also had cancer. I "think" all the pictures and charts, etc. are also going to be in this other bin for some reason.
BUT, it clearly came to mind this afternoon!! And, then Mi was afraid of MY new ramp that was just built with funds from a fundraiser held for me a few months ago!!
A lot of you know my life philosophy!! But, for those who do not, it is simply this!! If you put out good Karma, good Karma will come back to you!! If you put out bad Karma, bad Karma will come back to you!! Guess this is just another full circle I can add to my Karma!! I would never have remembered this at all without these two bins appearing!!
I truly am fully looking forward to tomorrow my self!!
As for my dear friend, Kathy, let's all say an extra prayer that her Guardian Angels will all stay close and give her as much comfort and help as possible as Kathy plants her mother's new pansies on Sunday!!
Love and Hugs!!
Deborah and Max
and, Miprezious, too!!
I hope you find all sorts of goodies you've been missing in your tubs! Hopefully Mi will learn to love your new ramp and not run and hide when she sees it. This is certainly the best time to plant some pansy's so I hope that Kathy can get out and do that for herself. I heard we are supposed to get snow late Sunday through Tuesday though, yuck!
Dear, dear Deborah. You are the best. Even if your kind, gentle words here make me cry. I love you girlfriend.
Now, I want to see photos of those wips, ufos and bins! :)
Love the hoodie on Mi. She looks so cute.
Mi looks adorable, Deborah :)
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