I have had my ups and downs, but this week met an all time high of downs!!
Late into last summer, I had about a ten day period where every time I moved my mouth, I had another tooth break, crack, chip or disingrate right before my eyes!! Within ten days, I had nothing left, but bits and pieces. Finally, just decided, I had to "buck up" and just have them all extracted and cross over to "old fart" officially and get dentures. Well, before I could get extractions even scheduled I had to have major emergency surgery for the "incarcerated hernia" in September. As soon as I recovered from it, I again began plans for teeth to be extracted!!
After many consoltations with my Oral Surgeon, regular Dentist and Doctor they decided that it would be best that I simply go into the hospital and have the extractions all done and that I be kept in the hospital until they were sure I would be free of any and all complications. The Oral Surgeon was just tops and did every thing he could possibly do to make this as easy as possible on me including he drove to Clinton and did the surgery here at the hospital. The surgery went very well and due to the fact the hospital had closed it's Surgical Floor I was placed on it's Medical Floor to recuperate. The care left a lot to be desired so Eunice simply go me discharged and stayed in my home three days and nights with me!!
I still did absolutely wonderfully.
My dentist was aware of my poor healing history and had decided to not even try to make impressions and dentures till at least mid-January!! Al progressed as scheduled. I have, in fact, gotten along so well with out my teeth that I think dentures are just going to be a problem I do not need!!
But, the dentures have been making steady progress and, in fact, I received a call yesterday that the final revisions had been made and that there was a "slim" chance of my possibly being able to get them yet this day!! I could only laugh and tell the receptionist that it was "far slimmer than she could ever have guessed"!!
I have had a bit of a "bump" on the roof of my mouth towards the right front!! My dentist called this a "soft mass" and made reference to my Oral Surgeon possibly having to take a look at it, but never pushed the issue. I really thought, being four bones had to be reduced during the surgery, that it surely just had to be a "bone chip" that was working it's way out. I truly was not too concerned whatsoever!! However, Tuesday evening, this "whatever" just sort of "burst"!! The pain was excruciating!!
I did not sleep all night!!
First thing Wednesday morning, I called my Oral Surgeon's office and they told me to simply come in as soon as possible. Well, he is located 50 miles south of me and I do not travel well. Max did immediately try to get things arranged to take me down to Quad-Cities as soon as he could. We got to Oral Surgeon's office and he saw me immediately. He said he wanted to have this x-rayed to see if there was some sort of bone involved or something. The x-rays showed absolutely nothing, but a bit of a light spot. The Oral Surgeon said he was not happy with the size, shape and color of this all and called it "quite suspicious". He tossed several ideas about and suddenly said he thought it best he just remove the entire area and get a good biopsy of it. I am kind of just trying to process all this and before I know it the Oral Surgeon is saying the more he considers this he thinks immediate emergency surgery should be done!! I was blown away in shock!!
And, before I knew or could consider all this, I was being set up for immediate emergency surgery at the Surgical Center in Quad-Cities!!
And, the Oral Surgeon just kind of tosses in "removing of more bone" in the Surgical Consents!! And, it was done!!
I have a much bigger hole, "gap" as the Oral Surgeon prefers, and more stitches in then when I had all the teeth extracted!! Max brought me home and I am just to not try to eat any thing, but malts, for two to three days and take things very easy!! The Oral Surgeon says he "hopes" he got it all, but only the biopsy will tell for sure!! So, I wait for another ten days and pray for healing!!
Love and Hugs!!
Book Review: The In-Between Bookstore
5 weeks ago
You know I am praying for you girlfriend.
Just take it one hour at a time. Think positve thoughts and concentrate on your stitching. The best healer around.
Just keep your mind on your stitching! You will survive this too. I know having mouth work really makes the whole body sore, though. Take care!
Hope it heals quickly and that you aren't in too much pain. If the pain meds don't knock you out, try to do some stitching to keep your mind off things.
We will be thinking of you; lots of big hugs coming your way from all of us.
I hope it's nothing serious, Deborah and that it heals up quickly.
Prayers for you.
I hope you get well soon.
Congrats on your finish. It is really lovely.
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