However, considering that tub had to be "shared" by 37 other people though, I saw my toy room going down that Commode that sits two feet away!!
And, this is the Master Bedroom "Walk-In" Closet, and incidentally the only closet in the entire new home THEY called a "Cottage"!! Camper for one - maybe!! Now, what could we have kept in here? Maybe, Mommy's WIPS, but doubt they all would even fit!! Notice the wall brackets which even eliminated all those big plastic tubs that even hold all my toys as brackets would not allow any thing to be stacked!! This closet measured 5'wide with 4' deep!! The "Cottage" Director assured Mommy they would try to find room to store her beloved pink Xmas tree, Daddy's golf clubs and fishing equipment some where else in the "Cottage", but surely all our other things would fit in this closet!! Mommy's "stash" would have not fit in the main "Cottage" Arts and Crafts Room, much less this closet!!
And, this was the big Picture Window in the Master Bedroom!! It was the only window in the entire new home "Cottage"!! Had our bed fit in this 10' Long and 8' wide "Master Bedroom", I would have least had a good view each morning of all the other old people out sunning their selves!! I did get the run of this beautiful Court Yard as all Mommy had to do was press a button and some body would come and take me out into the Court Yard to visit all the old people!! The "Director" was pretty smart "cookie" as there was absolutely no exit from this Court Yard, not even a little space for me to escape even!! I could do any thing I wanted out in the Court Yard right down to squatting and leaving a "small token" that I had been there, except who ever came to walk me had to be sure I, and the Court Yard, was cleaned up before going back to my little "cottage"!!

Only really good thing was a whole glass wall of pretty birds that also lived there!! I could sit by the hour and tease those birdies and they had no place to hide as their "cottage" was even smaller than our "cottage"!! But, I found those birds to be very entertaining several times!!
Now, this is the 8' wall of the "Master Suite"!! Notice where the sun is shining in from that big window above.
Now, you are looking at our spacious and lovely kitchen!! That large microwave and refrigerator would just about took care of my supplies, but what was Mom and Dad going to snack on? That is Mommy's purse sitting on the left side of the counter, but the "Director Lady" said she could bring a coffee maker, toaster and all kinds of food keepers for the counter top!! Of course, we ALL were welcomed to go down to the lovely formal dining room for all three of our meals!! Still amazed those two pesky cats and I got invited to every meal, but we did!! The food was absolutely delicious and I always got extra as every one thought I was so cute!! I had already been named the "Cottage Dog" by the end of the first day!! They all loved me, even those two cats, I did not like at all!!
This was the living room's 9" long wall. It was 10' wide!! Lots of room for maybe a couch and chair and television!!
This was the ten foot wide living room wall!! After Mommy saying "not way" to the "Director Lady's" idea of bunk beds, she suggested that we could put the Master Bedroom in the Living Room and the Living Room in the Master Bedroom!! Yes, television in bedroom and only two chairs and an end table in the Living Room!! Only problem was from 8:00 A.M. in the morning until 8:00 P.M. at night you were required to leave the front door of your "cottage" wide open at all times!! The "Director" said this made all the other 37 people feel like our own family as they could drift in and out of our then rearranged Master Bedroom!!

And, do you see that "walk-in" closet door opened fully?
And, if you noticed under that big picture window was the heater/air conditioner that nothing could be set in front of!! Now, we have a queen sized bed and Mommy's oxygen equipment and thus we had to decide on whether we really needed that "walk-in" closet to open so we could access ALL of our possessions and remember "Cottage Director" said nothing could be put up against that picture window with the equipment below it!! Mommy freaked when it was finally decided we simply would have to get "bunk beds"!! At least, who ever had the bottom bunk could reach the string that would call the "aide" to come take me out into the Court Yard to potty!

Well, to make a long story short!! The staff and food were OUTSTANDING at the "Cottage"!! The second afternoon, one of the "family" came by and wanted to know if I could go out to play in the Court Yard!! And, Mommy said "if I wanted to I could"!! Hey, just another chance to try and get one of those birdies hiding behind that big glass wall!! I ran with some strange really old person who could not keep up with me!! Well, the "Director" was in having Mommy and Daddy signing papers and wanted her to write them a big fat check!! Suddenly, Mommy remembered I was outside with a stranger and she told Daddy to go out and bring me back right then!! The "Director" had to go out for a moment too!! And, suddenly I heard, Mommy scream "Get her out of this place NOW"!! Daddy and I went running to see what that "Director" had said to Mommy, but no one was with her!! She just told Daddy that she just discovered she could touch both of the Master Bedroom walls with just her arms stretched out from her wheelchair in the middle of the room and that she was about to pass out if those walls kept closing in on her!! Mommy was more upset than I have ever seen her!! Daddy ran Mommy and me to our van and Mommy ordered Daddy just to get us back to our "HOME and RIGHT THEN"!! She told him he could then go back and pick up our suitcases and things as she could not breathe!!
Thus, the Moving Company was cancelled along with the Realtor and every one else. Mommy said, "the last two days and the prior night had done it for her!! She was never leaving our HOME unless they took her out in a box"!!
So, once again, I got off my "rear portion" and posted these pictures and the story of the shortest "camping trip" we ever have taken!!
This was the Bickford Cottage and Mommy says she will never even go back to just visit!! She is out of there and for ever more!!
It was one year ago today that we returned to our HOME!! Mommy promised many people to show these pictures, but you know it was just one of those things she did not quite get to!!
Mommy said, XSGranny Rene, in Vegas, summed this "Cottage" up best!! She said she had motel rooms larger than this!!
So, there you have it!!
Not enough progress with that stitching thing to even bother me with posing for a picture. Look at last night's photo and picture that red house finished!! You got it!!
No need for another picture!! Probably would have been more, but as always Mommy went to sleep most of the time she was in "stitching nest" with all those "nasty" lights on!!
Well, Mommy better be recuperated enough to take over this darn Blog!! I am wasting good bone time here!!
Puppy Licks and Tail Wagging,
Miprezious Dee Dee Markham II
Definitely exciting times for your little Ms. Precious! Hope you get it all worked out.
Do I detect some sarcasm here?? LOL Glad your stay was just a day. I can't imagine having to live in such a small place. I'm sure you are enjoying your stitching sanctuary even more knowing that you could have been living there!
I was thinking it was looking pretty good (lol) until I saw the kitchenette area. The bathroom is bigger than mine, as is the bedroom closet. But the kitchenette is way too tiny! LOL@ bunk beds for you and Max! I wouldn’t like having to have the front door open during the day time hours. Yikes! The courtyard sounds really nice, though. Of course, there’s no place like “home”.
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