I finally have a finish and have my first finish in 32-Count Linen since before my May, 2002 accident!!
How can I "Happy Dance" when under a bedrest order???
I must find a way!!
I am quite happy and proud of this one!! Sure has been a real hard journey, but ever so worth it!!
Now, they tell me I never could do French Knots, so I guess that will be the real test!!
This could use a very good pressing and then it has to have an iron on stiffener and then attached to the "envelope" purse!! I am going to want to carry it every where!! Of course, there is little where I do not take my stitching these days any way!!
Love and Hugs!!
Oh my gosh Deborah, what a wonderful finish. Congrats with that. I'm dancing with you. It's so beautiful.
CONGRATS!!! I knew you could do it! You stay in your chair and I'll do the Happy Dance all around the room for you. It is beautiful!!!!
We all knew you could do it!!!! Doing the finishing jig over here in Michigan for you! You keep your legs up. It's a beautiful piece!
Woo hoo! Happy dance for your finish - looks beautiful!
congratulations! I am happy dancing right along with you. I would want to have it with me so everyone could see it too. Take care hope you get to feeling better real soon.
So pretty Miss Deborah! I have that project waiting in a pile and now I HAVE to do it. Joining all the other ladies in our Happy Dance in your honor.
Happy Dance Happy Dance for you WTG Deborah congrats on your finish.
Lots of HUGS
Patty Smith
WOO HOOOOOOOOOOO You go Girlfriend!!!!!!!!!! I told you that you would finihs before me!!
Doing a happy, happy dance for you. Hey, you could do a happy wiggle. And get Mi and Max to happy dance for you.
oops. That should be FINISH. I was so excited and typed too fast. :)
I'm so excited for you! :)
That looks gorgeous! Well done!
I LOVE it!! Congrats on your finish, Deborah!!!
congrats!!! I love the saying on it, and it looks so beautiful.
Katrien (ILCS)
Wow Deborah...good for you...I am so happy that you got that one done...looks beautiful too...congratulations on your finish...I think about you everyday.
Take care & Happy Stitching
Congrats on a beautiful finish! Nice job!!!
Congratulations on the finish! It is beautiful. wonderful job
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