Yes, I am still Blogging, but like every thing else I am now bedridden from a fall. I will be down a few more days and will then attempt to catch up!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
It's Saturday - April 11, 2008

I truly had just a lovely day again, just putzing around my Stitching Room a bit!! I have taken on Max's awful cold and it is miserable, but I am not going to let it bother me, although it is starting to win as my sinus and glands are swollen. I feel like my ears are plugged and the congestion is overwhelming!! I think I am about to try my oxygen up a notch and see if it will make a difference in my getting a good deep breath!!
I HAVE PROGRESS on my Harley Davidson project. Although, I have not gotten over to the left edge yet, and I am beginning to sweat a bit!! I "think" it may all go on my fabric, but it sure is way off center!! But, centering does not mean a whole lot on this project. It is going to be matted and framed hopefully if there is enough fabric when I get to left edge!! I AM going to get to that darn edge tonight!! The last four nights I have fallen asleep about as quick as I transfer into my lift recliner and get comfy!! I will put picture above!! I think the good Lord is smiling on this project as it originally was planned to be needed on April 19, but being this AA Group is celebrating it's anniversary they decided to have a pig roast and since our weather has turned so "nasty" again they rescheduled it for May 25. They sure would have had my vote!! However, my beloved, Max, asked if any of the grocery stores had ketchup in their sales flyer's this week.
I could not imagine why this question came up!! Max said he had told every one about my father's fantastic sweet barbecue sauce recipe and pretty soon several asked about getting some made for the pig!! Max says we will be needing lots of ketchup as Max now has volunteered me to make gallons of my barbecue sauce!! I asked if that was before, or after, my last little "x"!!
I understand people volunteered to help, if I would give up my recipe, but I don't have a recipe and I only make it in small batches!! I just, very amazingly know, you put so much of this and that in it!! I sure am going to be sooooooooo happy when this is completed as I want back to my railroad tracks, whoa, something I thought I never would say!! Well, my doll houses are awaiting plumbing also!!
One of our grocery stores, Hy-Vee, a national chain, had Peaches n' Cream Sweet Corn in this past week. I would never have bought it when I was doing grocery shopping, irregardless of the Produce Manager, however, he convinced Max that this particular load was selling out as quick as he put it out at 3 ears for $1. Max bought it the first day, and it was amazingly, very good. So, he bought more the next time he was in the store. Miprezious loves anything with butter on it, but especially corn!! That little stinker had 2 ears each night we had it this week!! Max has a stack of old beach towels from our cabin days that he puts down on the floor to keep the carpet clean when Mi gets something we know is going to be messy!! Well, we had barbecued baby back pork ribs one night along with the corn and I know she out eats me when it comes to meat!! However, when it comes to barbecue Mi sits at the oven and stands guard all day long!!
We let her have rib bones, but we closely supervise these and "trade" each time she even begins to break off bone. That beach towel was so soiled with barbecue sauce and butter you could hardly tell what color it actually started out to be. Max has to take a first bite out of Mi's ear of corn to start it for her and then she eats it row by row!! Max got pictures of her enjoying the first 2008 ears of corn!
I have had a strange week with Eunice and Max!! When Max threatened, and tried, to "terminate" Eunice #2 last week, Eunice very definitely sided with Max and against her own niece!! Max and Eunice have had some real long periods of time for chat without my presence like on the many trips they made to hospital and Surgeon's pre-op appointments and day of surgery. This is in addition, to several brief local appointments. Eunice came over one night last week and seemed only interested in our "That Room" and what shape it was in. Pretty poor, in fact, very bad, but, Max got on Eunice#2 to get on getting all the clutter removed from that room almost the first thing the very next morning. Then, we had the surprise guest at our outing Saturday for brunch!!
I very much believe that Antoinette is a done deal. I got a strange call from Eunice yesterday, as she was in Chicago, and she said she did not have a good cell reception was she cut the call very short. I was not quite sure I heard her correctly. I thought she said, "she would have "her", at our home, either Sunday afternoon or first thing Monday morning"!! Eunice#2 immediately became quite upset and really pressed me for exactly what did she say. And, I repeated myself again. Eunice#2 immediately hit "redial" and called Eunice back. Eunice told her to put me on the phone and she repeated herself again and told me to tell Eunice#2 not to redial her again!! I did ask for clarification as to who "her" was. It was Antoinette!! In fact, Antoinette went back to Chicago with Eunice to "tie up all loose ends and close every thing up" that she had left needing attention to!!
I have never been so confused in my life!! I have hoped, and prayed, for months for the "needle in the haystack" full-time live-in Caretaker for us and our home!! The very first time I ever met Antoinette, I said a prayer, at that time, could she possibly be here to chat about our job opening!! Well, I guess she loves our beautiful home, Miprezious, us and, of course, our neighborhood. Antoinette is going to be 52 in September!! She is a very quiet speaking and very mannered lady. She has been going to work (12 hour mandatory day entering data in computer. She was in Emergency Room twice in last few weeks as she started having severe muscle spasms in neck and shoulder!) and to church every time it's doors were open for any reason. She volunteered for kitchen duty and pitched in where ever she was needed!! She is divorced. When we all met for brunch on Saturday, "Tony", was first to get to me while Eunice and Max parked vehicles. She immediately propped me up the way I need to be to avoid leaning out of chair and straightened my legs out and made sure my feet were securely placed on foot rests. I did not even know it was her, at first, and as soon as she realized this, she was quick to apologize for startling me!! I told her I should have been more alert!!
This gal is very nice, but Eunice#2 is dead set against her, but I feel this is some what a "Job Security" problem for her. Eunice#2 got her own mother, to rent her a room in her home when she was needing a place to stay 5-6 weeks ago!! And, Antoinette also has lost her job in the past ten days or so. I can some what understand this also as the company she was working for is known for being very hard to work for and if you miss a set quota of "strokes" on keyboard per day you are "history"!! I am thinking she may be getting some unemployment benefits for at least a short time, however, she hits the job seeking each and every day. I think she may have to find a very minimum part-time job to supplement her income needs here. However, finding some work like this will be a bit hard, as I need her most definitely every morning to get me awake, out of that "darn" bed, bathed and dressed. I am usually good till noon and may, or may not, need help navigating my way to bath room. I don't usually want any lunch, especially if I have eaten breakfast!! However, there is always something needing cleaning in the home and laundry!! However, she might have to rearrange her keeping this home clean and shining during early evening if she is working out of this home afternoons. We usually have our big meal each evening. I usually try to arrange fixing a plate for my mother and Max runs it up to her. She lives straight up from our home eighteen blocks. Max will take in her mail and bring home (we have a tote dumpster) her garbage which amounts to very little!! On recycling day Max will carry her newspaper buckets to the curb. He usually takes covers off her meal and gets her set up at her dining room table!
Tony also seemed to get along with Miprezious quite well. That is of utmost importance to me!! And, Miprezious does demand the Caretaker's to pay attention to her!!
I guess I should go with my "gut instinct", and not question Eunice's judgment, however, after being robbed of such large amounts by the old day Caretaker I am nothing, but very skeptical and overly critical of each new gal we have interviewed recently!!
I wonder if Tony will stitch!! This could give her extra points with me!!
Well, once again I am off to elevate and see orange and black all evening and well into tomorrow!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Nothing - April 11, 2008
Well, it was a wonderful day even though it was raining which turned to thunder and lightning storms this evening!!
Max has had a terrible cold. He is worse than a child about covering his mouth and washing his hands which drives me crazy!! I say any thing, then I am Nag!! I guess I will be Nag then, but, unfortunately, I started coming down with severe cold myself today. Thus, basically all I did was fall to sleep in my chair, so I am up half the night tonight!! I so intended to get my Harley Davidson done to at least left edge!! Do not know what I am going to do, except eliminate every frog on the face of this earth, but I am turning out to be real close to left edge and I am not speaking of finishing!! I know I centered this when starting, but something sure got messed up as it is going to be too close for comfort!! I did not even bother taking a picture today as I am sure you would not notice a bit of change as I was stuck in "black out" today!!
Thankfully, Max's cold appears to be subsiding today!!
Am going to cut this short, and go work on Mr. Harley Davidson, hoping it will bore me enough back to sleep!! Max is actually starting out at least in "his" bed tonight!! He announced before going to bed that he is not going to take in meeting tomorrow as I have to be at doctor's office at 10:30 a.m. This trip is just a fiasco to get me approved my "hover-round" electric wheel chair!!
So, I am just to see the Physician's Assistant, who we have not had the pleasure of meeting yet, and am not too sure of this fellow!! My legs are really bad, but if he is like general "locals" he will not even notice any difference or he will go running for my primary care physician who will agree legs are really bad, but they have been worse!! And, my dear Eunice#2 will be going with us to help transfer me, as Eunice#1 is back in Chicago tomorrow again!! The gal, Tony, she would like to see us take on as a full-time live-in Caretaker is going with her to keep her company and I believe they are due back tomorrow night or Saturday!! I still have made no decision as to trying Tony or not!! Caretakers have been generally like "looking for a needle in a haystack" and full-time live-in are even worse!! Eunice would not put some one in here with us if she did not have 100% faith in this gal, but then we are all unfortunately guilty of poor judgment at some time or another!! I had a "gut instinct" the first day I met her, that God had answered my prayer through this woman and our search was over!! Max and I do want to meet with her and set some house "rules" and see how she is with them and probably go from there!!
Well, I am onward to see a whole lot of burnt orange and black again. God is, however, smiling on me with this project. The AA Group originally planned their anniversary celebration for April 19, but since it is going to be a hog roast they have rescheduled it for May 25!! Praise The Lord!!
I hope this is done, and history, by May 25, however, I don't think I have a chance of completion by April 19, but I plan to stitch like it is still April due date so I will be assured of being done by May 25!! Got a big rotation of about ten and I have added another two dollhouses and another Memorial to these, but yet to be started!! It will be pure pleasure to have one finish after another finally come in once I get that far!!
Tomorrow, you. and I, will see the left margin and I pray to God we don't get too close a view!!
Max has had a terrible cold. He is worse than a child about covering his mouth and washing his hands which drives me crazy!! I say any thing, then I am Nag!! I guess I will be Nag then, but, unfortunately, I started coming down with severe cold myself today. Thus, basically all I did was fall to sleep in my chair, so I am up half the night tonight!! I so intended to get my Harley Davidson done to at least left edge!! Do not know what I am going to do, except eliminate every frog on the face of this earth, but I am turning out to be real close to left edge and I am not speaking of finishing!! I know I centered this when starting, but something sure got messed up as it is going to be too close for comfort!! I did not even bother taking a picture today as I am sure you would not notice a bit of change as I was stuck in "black out" today!!
Thankfully, Max's cold appears to be subsiding today!!
Am going to cut this short, and go work on Mr. Harley Davidson, hoping it will bore me enough back to sleep!! Max is actually starting out at least in "his" bed tonight!! He announced before going to bed that he is not going to take in meeting tomorrow as I have to be at doctor's office at 10:30 a.m. This trip is just a fiasco to get me approved my "hover-round" electric wheel chair!!
So, I am just to see the Physician's Assistant, who we have not had the pleasure of meeting yet, and am not too sure of this fellow!! My legs are really bad, but if he is like general "locals" he will not even notice any difference or he will go running for my primary care physician who will agree legs are really bad, but they have been worse!! And, my dear Eunice#2 will be going with us to help transfer me, as Eunice#1 is back in Chicago tomorrow again!! The gal, Tony, she would like to see us take on as a full-time live-in Caretaker is going with her to keep her company and I believe they are due back tomorrow night or Saturday!! I still have made no decision as to trying Tony or not!! Caretakers have been generally like "looking for a needle in a haystack" and full-time live-in are even worse!! Eunice would not put some one in here with us if she did not have 100% faith in this gal, but then we are all unfortunately guilty of poor judgment at some time or another!! I had a "gut instinct" the first day I met her, that God had answered my prayer through this woman and our search was over!! Max and I do want to meet with her and set some house "rules" and see how she is with them and probably go from there!!
Well, I am onward to see a whole lot of burnt orange and black again. God is, however, smiling on me with this project. The AA Group originally planned their anniversary celebration for April 19, but since it is going to be a hog roast they have rescheduled it for May 25!! Praise The Lord!!
I hope this is done, and history, by May 25, however, I don't think I have a chance of completion by April 19, but I plan to stitch like it is still April due date so I will be assured of being done by May 25!! Got a big rotation of about ten and I have added another two dollhouses and another Memorial to these, but yet to be started!! It will be pure pleasure to have one finish after another finally come in once I get that far!!
Tomorrow, you. and I, will see the left margin and I pray to God we don't get too close a view!!
Same Old, Same Old April 09, 2008

Another day, another stitch!! Good ole "Mr. Sand Man" beat me again last night!!
Today was a wonderful day!! Eunice#2 and Max, worked somewhat nicely together, on "That" Room!! I worked very slowly and intermitently on my Stitching Room while supervising Eunice and Max also!! And, tried to referee, before any fur flew again!!
Eunice came over today to take Max to his Nephrologist that comes down to our local Dialysis Unit, but he is from specialists 120 miles north of us!! He said Max was doing "okay" yet, but was glad to see this "fistula" seemed to be a success!! Max has been bleeding from his incision almost since he came home from the surgery two weeks ago tomorrow!! The blood and "fluid" as Nephrologist called it is forming a large ball right in middle of his arm and just suddenly lets go!! Max dresses like a street person with at least six layers of clothing on almost all the time. For bed he will go down to tee shirt, sweat shirt and very heavy turkish towel type robe and sleeps in all three. His "beloved Thermopedic" bed is supposed to warm you within minutes of getting into it and we have a Velux blanket on it and it definitely warms you immediately upon getting under it!! I wake up soaking wet most nights!! Miprezious demands a floor fan blowing on her all night (another thank you for teaching her Max) and I am instantly frozen should I have to get up in the middle of the night!! However, Max lays there and continues to just shiver!! Well, he has not went near his "beloved Thermopedic" (for those who don't know, I was just livid with Max for getting rid of my beloved Pillow Top mattress for this $6.003.00 monster Thermopedic bed he had to have) bed in about ten days and has stayed sleeping in his recliner!!
He does not sleep more than two hour periods without getting up and pacing through house for a period of time, however!! Three nights ago, he awoke in his chair and you literally could ring out his sweatshirt with the amount of blood it had taken on!! He has bled through one bandage after another!! But, yet the Nephrologist said every thing was okay today!! Our darling Beth, who has been on dialysis a number of years, called me this evening and I was telling her about what was going on. She said she would get the Surgeon on the phone immediately as this indicates infection the way it forms ball and lets go!! I don't know what was wrong with Nephrologist today, but as Beth pointed out it was not his expertise and the Surgeon should handle this. Max has two doctors who attend AA with him each morning. The one is like a family friend as he was the only doctor who would come to the Emergency Room and take care of me the night I ended up on life support. This doctor directed full code and stabilizing so Medic Evac would finally accept me for transport. I will always have a large debt and gratitude to this man, but I would not like him as my primary care physician!! I tried as he wanted to see me immediately upon my return back to Clinton, however, his dad (also a doctor) was Max's AA sponsor, and after 45 minutes of patting himself on the back for saving me that night he went into about 4 hour rendition of AA with Max. I was tired and bored!! I did not want to go through this as often as I need a doctor so I passed on making him primary care physician. Max did go to him for some time!! Now, Max and him still discuss his "save" with me!! I think it might have been his only one in his lifetime!! But, even so I am ever more thankful for him. I told Max to get his opinion of this bleeding at morning's AA meeting!! As for me, Beth has gone through enough of this that I will take her opinion above and beyond the locals!!
Eunice came in after going to Nephrologist with Max today!! I knew she had some thing on her mind. I also knew that yesterday she was checking out the condition of "That" Room!! Seemed funny that Max was so adamant about cleaning up "That" Room, also, but he soon became bored with it and tried to sit in front of the boob tube as usual!! I thought, "Oh, No"!! I have decided that this entire home is going to be scoured and every thing must have a purpose and must have a place to be kept here!! I am so tired of clutter, that it is driving me back into a full-blooded, nit-picking perfectionist again!! I want every thing so shined that you can see yourself in it, the carpets absolutely spotless and every thing in it's place!! Eunice#2 keeps her own home this way in spite of having six children!! She had a day off from here yesterday as she had to go to college course and do thirteen loads of laundry!!
Well, it turns out that Eunice has a possibility for us to become our full time live-in Caretaker!!
Eunice is going to have her come over and just spend an afternoon with us and see what we think of her. Eunice said that giving her board and room in our beautiful home would be adequate compensation for taking full time care of us!! But, she also added that this gal would have to get a part-time job in order for her to have her own money!! Eunice has brought this gal over to visit a couple of times and she also invited her to have brunch with us this past Saturday morning!! Eunice had instructed Max to just let me off at the main entrance of the casino were we were having brunch and that Max should come back to where she was parked and she would give him the parking place as it was one of only two handicapp places in entire area!! This gal suddenly appeared out of no where and had a white blouse and black slacks on like the casino employees. Casino is very alert and good to handicapped customers!! I suddenly had a gal straightening out my legs, but then propping me up on pillow so I did not lean too far over on my right side as I naturally do now!! I thought how did this casion emploee know to do this as I had not been down there in a few years at all!! Here, this gal, was Tony, Eunice's long time friend and prospective full time Caretaker for us!! She immediately knew I had not recognized her and began to apologize for getting me arranged in wheelchair without me realizing it was her!! I said it was no problem, but I thought the gal was psychic to know just how Eunice or Max always would put me while getting me transferred into wheelchair!! Tony was very pleasant during brunch and she made a special effort to come find us and say Eunice and her were needing to leave, but she hoped to see us again soon!!
Well, now I have been praying, and praying, for a live-in Caretaker to suddenly emerge and take over here!! I am trying to now figure this out as to if this was answered prayer or what!!
I do not think I will be jumping right one this, as I am so skeptical after dealing with all our regular eight hour shift gals and three of them robbing us blind!! But, this gal has been always been very pleasant. Eunice says all this gal does is go to work (which she just lost her job) and go to church every time some thing is going on at it!!
All I can do is hope, and look for a sign she is the right person we need!!
Well, I will attempt to retrieve the smidgen of stitching I progressed with last night!!
Tomorrow, I am going to elevate all day as I have to go to doctor on Friday, JUST so he can fill out Medicare papers to their liking so I can be approved for an electric wheel chair!! I don't want my legs looking as rough as they do now, so tomorrow is make up day for rest of week!! I know I will hit that left side by tomorrow night's posting!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Wonderful Day - April 09, 208

Today, was a wonderful day!! I had excruciating pain with legs, but was able to sleep through most of it!! Just a wonderful, peaceful and quiet day!!
Darn "Sand Man" got me again last night and I still did not get to the left edge!! Tonight it the night!! So, off to try and retrieve my update and I am out of here to stitch!!
Monday, April 7, 2008
I Can Only See Black and Orange - April 07, 2008

Another Monday, and I was awaken by Max from my snuggy and comfy lift recliner in Stitching Room at 5:00 a.m.!! He promptly directed me into bath room, saw my legs and went crazy!! He demanded I go to bed until Eunice got here!!
Eunice arrived and rang, and rang, and rang our doorbell, as I pushed the automatic opener from my bed over, and over, and over!! Almost immediately, my phone rang and it was Eunice. She said, the garage door was only opening about 1/4 of the way up!! Max hit it the morning after his surgery!! I told him I did not feel he should be driving. He knows the doctor has stated that as long as he follows my discretion, the doctor would not have State of Iowa questioning his ability to drive!! However, I was to report any incidents where he would not listen to me!! I hate to do this, but if he so much as even says one word next time that will be it!! He just does not get he really does not want the State involved in any other areas of his life, I guess!! I am letting this one go, but not so much as taking it out of garage if I say "don't think so" one more time and he fails to listen!! So, with door not opening, I had to struggle out of the darn bed again and was absolutely exhausted when I got to door to try to hit other button!!
Eunice saw my legs also and said, she was getting me bathed and was just going to put on a clean night gown as I was going no further than my recliner in Stitching Room today!! She did not really have to tell me this. I was ready, willing and just waiting to get bath, breakfast, meds and to Stitching Room chair!! However, all I got accomplished was another box of stash sorted and my post cards addressed. Early this evening, I began getting on and offline to catch up and "think" I am except for dozens of emails I just left "opened" and needing responses!! Two nights ago, my computer shut down and flashed "out of memory"! Oh, my gawd, my computer's memory gone along with mine - this can be nothing, but BIG TROUBLE!! Note - Call Private Tutor and tell him to bring new memory!!
I was really nervous as to what was going to happen between Max and Eunice today. He still is unhappy and is blaming a real bad cold on her now!! Lord she will be his new scapegoat!! But, perhaps, it will be job security for her with him!! They had no confrontations today and I pray this continues at least until l can get back on my legs and be able to referee a bit!!
I got 4 big envelopes of stash, but I can't remember what any of it was!! Eunice helped me get it put away as we opened it!! That is the way I want everything done in this home from now on!!
I tried so hard to keep my eyes opened last night to get my Harley Davidson project done at least to left side edge!! But, I think I made very little progress, I am so sorry to say as I just finally "hit the wall" dead tired and I really went into deep and totally relaxed sleep in my comfy recliner. I will try to post picture above and hope I can see some thing new added to it.
We had wonderful weekend in 60's!! It was open windows and air out winter from home!! However, it went cold again today!! Miprezious insisted her heavy coat be put on her this morning, but got tired of waiting for Max to put on his usual six layers as he is always cold due to his liver failure!! Mi finally went to her alcove with "Piddle Pads" down and squatted!! I did not raise any dummy!! So, Max then got to undress himself. Mi went to Eunice as she was hot and tired of waiting!! Then, Max had to pick up "Piddle Pad" and put down clean one!!
But, I truly had just an excellent day again!!
I now plan to get offline and stitch till I do hit the left edge!!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Full Week On Harley Davidson, April 06, 2008

Well, it is Sunday night!! Proud of myself as I am sticking to Blog and my Harley Davidson project both!!
And, before I get down to far on this entry I am going to grab picture of updated Harley Davidson and a big surprise from my Mother!!
Well, there is my update on my Harley Davidson project!! I am in excruciating pain tonight, and am about to take some more fast acting morphine, and so I am going to be quick for right now and elevate!! I know it is my own fault and I am not complaining, but it still does not make it hurt any less!! I am going to get over to the left hand side before I quit stitching tonight to make absolutely sure I am not off with fabric measuring!! It looks a bit "iffy" right now. I am just over halfway across!!
And, lo and behold, my mother brought me a surprise, "just because" gift, perhaps, I am not so unattractive any more, but very much alive and living through this hell the best I can has just got through to her!! This teapot is very unique and she got all my favorite colors!! It looks awesome on top of my fireplace mantle!! I am simply not looking for the "whys". I am just admiring I have yet another beautifully awesome piece for my newly started teapot collection!!
It looks beautiful on top of my fireplace mantle!! I just LOVE it!!!
Max is gearing up to "terminate" for one thing, or another, tomorrow!! I do not know what to say or do!! I do not want to see this happen as I truly like this gal and she is too honest for her own good truly!! I wold trust her with any thing!! However, there is no employer that is going to allow that cell phone of her's to keep ringing, or vibrating, and her chatting as many times as she does!! Yes, she gets a call from school each day, but she is off at 3:00 p.m. and I know the school people are still in office at that time!! If it is bothering Max that much, then I realize something must be done, but I truly wish we had another alternative!! We have checked around this town, and many others have told us over email, they would kill for $9 CASH per hour!! She says she is not here for money, but because she "cares about us"!! Well, I really like her also, and if she is neglecting her own home and children by being here then I really think she should stay home with them. We will find some one else sooner or later for at least part-time and only pay them minimum wage as that is what even Iowa Job Service advised me to do and that will save us almost $25 per day so we may be able to get a gal for more days at minimum wage. I just don't know what to do!! I feel just awful about this whole ordeal!! But, I have vowed to myself that I will have troubles and upheaval continually here as that is simply the way things go when you have two people with the monumental medical problems we both have and the repercussions from them. However, I have vowed to take care of whatever, but not to become part of whatever!! I am through being unhappy!! From last week on I am going to be happy, happy, happy and I am for the most part presently!!
Well, all for this weekend!! I do need to elevate ASAP!!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Today, is again getting back into my realm I want to be in! Happy, Happy, Happy!!!
However, I have the urge to kill Max again!! And, after so many of you worked so hard in helping us to find solution to camera problem, I will probably have to stand in line!! I was sending Beth a few things, and she said "put the camera in, and I will see what I can do with it for you"!! I did and she did and now she has a new camera she just happened to need!!
Beth took camera out and, par to course, Max had forgotten to stick the Memory Card back in, but Beth's camera and this Canon Sure Shot had same one. She was able to use her card. I could not believe Max had included all the instructions, etc.!! Beth did not even need the instructions and within five minutes had brought "Menu" up and reset it and the camera worked like a charm! She told me she would send it back!!
But, I told her she was just beginning to have problems with her camera, so keep the Canon!!
Max has manipulated this situation to enable to go out and buy the new Polaroid he wanted so I hardly thinks he needs two cameras. Beth was smart enough to figure out what the problem was, so I can not see any reason she should not just keep it!! I am so happy it worked out well with Beth's camera just starting to give her a few problems and the Canon being absolutely perfect for some one who is not afraid of instructions, although being "female" she did not even need them! GOOD GOING BETH!!
But, we just went through my having to have a real serious "temper tantrum" finally after my brand new electric scooter has sat in our main inner hallway between bedrooms fast becoming a clothes hanger!! I finally told Max he had better get the company, store he purchased it or what ever on the phone and/or email, BUT I WANTED MY ELECTRIC SCOOTER TO BE USED BY THIS SPRING AND SUMMER IRREGARDLESS OF WHAT IT TOOK!! With the assistance of Eunice#2, who read the instructions to Max, he fast learned a simple, well marked button had to be pushed along with turning on key for safety reasons was needed to be pressed in order for the electric scooter to start. First time the button was pushed with key the scooter popped off and was more than ready to go and be used for me for the first time in the TWO YEARS it has sat here becoming the clothes closet!!
If, Max does not begin to read instructions we are going to have all out WAR around this place!!
What does it take for a man to simply read instructions and get something right the easy way!!
Got a whole lot done on Harley Davidson last night I think. Guess, I feel asleep again and do not really remember, however, Max noticed I had a totally blue right elbow when helping me with bath and dressing today!! Thank the good Lord, the marker is now being placed on the table beside me where I have my arm braced for steadiness!! Guess my arm has also become pen holder also. Thank the Lord any thing is holding felt tipped pen in lieu of my fabric.
I think Max will be more than willing to take an update picture of Harley Davidson after supper which I can post after our dinner time chat tonight!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!
However, I have the urge to kill Max again!! And, after so many of you worked so hard in helping us to find solution to camera problem, I will probably have to stand in line!! I was sending Beth a few things, and she said "put the camera in, and I will see what I can do with it for you"!! I did and she did and now she has a new camera she just happened to need!!
Beth took camera out and, par to course, Max had forgotten to stick the Memory Card back in, but Beth's camera and this Canon Sure Shot had same one. She was able to use her card. I could not believe Max had included all the instructions, etc.!! Beth did not even need the instructions and within five minutes had brought "Menu" up and reset it and the camera worked like a charm! She told me she would send it back!!
But, I told her she was just beginning to have problems with her camera, so keep the Canon!!
Max has manipulated this situation to enable to go out and buy the new Polaroid he wanted so I hardly thinks he needs two cameras. Beth was smart enough to figure out what the problem was, so I can not see any reason she should not just keep it!! I am so happy it worked out well with Beth's camera just starting to give her a few problems and the Canon being absolutely perfect for some one who is not afraid of instructions, although being "female" she did not even need them! GOOD GOING BETH!!
But, we just went through my having to have a real serious "temper tantrum" finally after my brand new electric scooter has sat in our main inner hallway between bedrooms fast becoming a clothes hanger!! I finally told Max he had better get the company, store he purchased it or what ever on the phone and/or email, BUT I WANTED MY ELECTRIC SCOOTER TO BE USED BY THIS SPRING AND SUMMER IRREGARDLESS OF WHAT IT TOOK!! With the assistance of Eunice#2, who read the instructions to Max, he fast learned a simple, well marked button had to be pushed along with turning on key for safety reasons was needed to be pressed in order for the electric scooter to start. First time the button was pushed with key the scooter popped off and was more than ready to go and be used for me for the first time in the TWO YEARS it has sat here becoming the clothes closet!!
If, Max does not begin to read instructions we are going to have all out WAR around this place!!
What does it take for a man to simply read instructions and get something right the easy way!!
Got a whole lot done on Harley Davidson last night I think. Guess, I feel asleep again and do not really remember, however, Max noticed I had a totally blue right elbow when helping me with bath and dressing today!! Thank the good Lord, the marker is now being placed on the table beside me where I have my arm braced for steadiness!! Guess my arm has also become pen holder also. Thank the Lord any thing is holding felt tipped pen in lieu of my fabric.
I think Max will be more than willing to take an update picture of Harley Davidson after supper which I can post after our dinner time chat tonight!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Saturday 05, 2008 - And, Away We Go Again!!

First, I am going to try and retrieve my picture of Harley Davidson that I progressed on yesterday and last night!! Okay, got it, but it just naturally always appears at top of my composition!! Okay, now this is P R O G R E S S!! That is, especially for me!!
I was so tired last night that I was actually too tired to sleep!! Anyone else have these gawd awful nights? I was also so angry yet, that I could not sleep!! I am so tired tonight I am going to take any sleep any way I can get it!! I am about to warn Max, if he finds me in stitching nest just to leave me there, but shut off both OTT lights and make sure he locates BOTH FELT TIPPED PENS with hopefully caps INTACT!! Throw my angel quilt over me and let me sleep away!!
Last night, I think he was going through big case of "guilts", however, only because he did not "terminate" Eunice#2 yesterday, instead, of prolonging the agony!! I just don't know!! Now, he also brings to my attention, did any, even one, especially one with very special need's child, ever be even seen on the phone?
We did meet Eunice promptly at 11:00 a.m. this morning, and she suggested we take separate vehicles as she had a meeting to be at by 1:00 p.m.!! Thought this was kind of funny as we could have been home in plenty of time!! However, we thought little of it!! I, of course, was already falling asleep from the van ride down to river frontage, about 12 blocks away!! Max had just rushed home from his meeting this morning and come right in to where I did crash in my recliner in my stitching room about 5:00 a.m. this morning!! Max came right in and had the lift on the recliner moving me up and about dumping me out of recliner even before I was really woke up. He plops me in the bathroom and begins to run bath and find me clothes for day. I got quickest bath in history and was dressed in record time. He just kept me going straight for the kitchen outside door only stopping to give me my meds for the day!!
I knew nothing really of Eunice's plans to meet us at casino for brunch!! I was really about half awake and I thought Eunice was holding the closest handicap parking spot near the casino, but still quite a way out!! She yelled at Max to take me down and drop me in wheelchair at entrance and then to come back and get that parking space and she would go over to regular parking lot!! My wheelchair, and I, were almost immediately taken control of and it really startled me as I could not conceive Eunice getting to another parking spot and down to entrance so soon. I knew it was a black woman who had taken my chair and me, but I really was not awake enough to question it. This lady was extremely nice to me and I thought wait a minute!!
She then asked if I remembered her and apologized if she had scared me!! It was Eunice's friend she had brought over to the house about 4-6 weeks ago to meet us! This was the lady suddenly homeless then. Now, suddenly she has also lost her 12-hour a day job!! I think I may be smelling a rat, however, I also believe very much to listen when God is speaking to you!! Could we have found our "needle in a haystack" 24/7 Caretaker?!!
We had an extremely pleasant brunch. However, this eating out has to stop!! I ate like a true, full fledged hog today, forget those little piggies!! I will be needing extra wide tires on my "locomotion" soon if this keeps up!!
After brunch we all played slots "again" for about a hour, but I had to put hammer down on Max as these few day's of fun are fast re-emerging as another "addiction" to him!! I consider the casino and gambling as nothing, but a rare form of entertainment and I have had my fill for quite some time to come again!! We all did leave at the end of the hour. However, Eunice and her friend left a bit earlier, but not before her friend came and found us to say how she enjoyed seeing us again and having brunch with us!! She said goodbye and really hoped she could get to know us much better!! ???!!!!
On our way home, I asked Max to drive through our local downtown area. It used to be such a busy little three blocks with stores lined up right next to each other, abutting side by side on both sides of the streets!! However, there was even more gone than last time I was even drove through down there which I can not even begin to estimate was!! I wanted to find some "local" picture post cards for our exchange in the worst way!! So, we got parked right in front of the only store that I could remotely hope would have them. I convinced Max it could be no more than 20 feet in to the entrance from the car and the store was not that big, nor would Max tolerate me looking at the little gift lines and numerous series figurine sets with new additions fronted for great Mother's Day gifts!! I knew a friend's mother always worked weekends there and tended just to ask her if they carried picture post cards and either look or leave!! So, after much groveling, I got Max to let me "toddle" on my big walker (my physical therapist will let me go 300 feet on walker at times) ,with the seat attached, just in case, into the store with walker and his assistance!! Not the brightest idea I ever had in hindsight!!
I am in beyond excruciating pain tonight!! I am just watching clock for three hours to elapse so I can take an additional 3mg of fast acting morphine, and probably will all night long or till I collapse in sleep!! Again, I have only one crazy fool to blame for these complications and she is sitting right her e in my seat at keyboard!! However, I am going to cut this short, make a bath room toddle, and going back to stitching room recliner to elevate until I fall asleep!! I fully intend to stay this way ALL day tomorrow, and I am not letting any thing or any one change these plans!! I could not go any where or do any thing if I wanted it more than any thing else in this world until I get some major swelling and pain relief from these legs!!
And, after going into downtown gift shop and finding no Clinton picture post cards my friend's mother said she had seen some in our Italian restaurant located way up past our home even, in what we call or north end shopping area which I think has a whole lot more going for it than our old down town!! We ran into one of Max's old employees and he gave Max the best suggestion Max had ever even given thought to!! He told Max just to hit all of our local motels and "help himself" to all the post cards they had laying out any where!! If left to the two of them, they would have went room to room until they had achieved the amount needed!! I said, "thanks, but no thanks"!! I told Max we would just check the Italian restaurant and lo and behold they did have them. So, Max came out just skipping back to the van with his little shopping bag in his hand!! So, guess I have got some real work to do to start getting these out. My handwriting is very bad!! So bad, the bank has called questioning my check's signatures!! I can write really beautifully for about two signatures and then it goes to scribble!! Max now brags he can sign my checks if he wants as no one can tell the difference. Now, that is a scary, scary thing!!
Possibly, Monday, I will finish trying to put away the last (Max swears for sure this time) two boxes of surprise unopened stash to me away!! I then have some patterns promised to a few different people and will try to get them enveloped and sent. I had major error in Caretaker and/or Max mixing up part of shipping packages the time before last!! Just glad they went to three of our most understanding gals who have interchanged the mix ups with each other thankfully!! Learned a real valuable lesson, however, and that is to NOT let any one else put things in packages without my direct supervision!! But, I am still going to plan on the absolute easiest week I possibly can for the entire duration of this coming week.
Max grilled a couple, like four, rib eye steaks!! I don't know who he thought was coming. Mother actually got fed today without benefit of us!! I really was not even ready to look at food after the brunch I poked down!! I do not like grilled taste after it has had chance to "marinade" in refrig over night. I am sure Miprezious will be glad to eat fourth one as she did a fine job on the third one tonight!!
Well, I am out to bath room and then elevate!! I am going to have some real progress tomorrow on that Harley!! For something, that I was so sure would take a life time it is so far been going well, in spite of frogs real long visit last Saturday evening!! Hope it continues, but am afraid I am going to learn real meaning of "9853 Black stitches" here all too soon!!
And, click on tomorrow for another day in the life of "As A Stomach Turns"!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Friday, April 05, 2008
I will make this a habit yet!!
Needless to say, today was nothing short of BRUTAL!! I have been in excruciating pain, BUT I AM NOTcomplaining!! I have brief moments of thinking it was worth every moment of our wonderful day and evening yesterday!! Eunice, Max and I did have an absolutely wonderful time, but I way over did my time up!! I have got some very "nasty" swelling in legs, but Max says he has seen me worse!! I don't know when and prefer to keep it that way!!
I fully intended to stay in my stitching recliner and do nothing, but stitch this entire day!! I did not even want to try to move or not have my legs fully elevated!! I have had to take fast acting morphine since last night as the pain is so bad!! But, I think they will be all right or perhaps, my judgment is impaired by additional morphine!! It is hard to say, but I truly do not regret doing my little break-out and it did me a world of good just to get out finally. We just needed to not "stay out" quite as long as we did!! I did finally say we had to give it up and head for home and everyone cashed out immediately. Even the casinos have changed since I was last in them. There is hardly no need of attendants whatsoever any more!! This is too bad, as I am sure many lost their jobs!!
Unbelievably, we have a local casino right here in Clinton on the river frontage. It is only about 12 blocks from our home!! In fact, Eunice has got "GOLD" rating at the local casino!! This enables her to have all the meals and drinks she, and her guests "us", would like any time we choose to go. Eunice has chosen to go for "brunch" tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m.!! I can not believe I agreed to go when she checked on us after supper tonight!! Max was at an AA Meeting, so I can not even place blame on him!! I think I have re-created the casino "monster"
personality in me again!!
I should know better. And, locally there are too many people I can run into including my primary care physician as I know he has got the "gambling fever" also!! My whole life was ruined because of this local casino if I care to go way back to the very beginning. I won $40,000, a once in a life time fluke, April 29, 2002. It happened about midnight as Max had "asked me out" that evening and we went to casino for supper and a few hours of gambling!! Max was really tired, and he lived about 12 miles south of Clinton, back then!! He was actually at the exit doors waiting on me!! I was too lazy to walk back to the "bank" way at the rear end of the casino and I was running Keno numbers up front end of casino. I just decided to double, triple and quadruple down and all of a sudden I see 8 out of 10 numbers come in and I thought "wow, new dress I want so badly"!! Then, the 9th popped in and right at the end of round good ole 10th came up and I just about fainted!! No one ever knew what to call me when Max and I were out together. Most knew we had been married many years before, and few knew actually what our status was at this time. One of the regular gals ran over to Max and told him , "that woman he was with" me just had hit 10 out of 10 and he called her a "liar"!! She then told him I was quadrupled down!! Max then told her he was sure she was "lying"!! By this time, the crowd had surrounded me and Max could not reach me to find out just what I had done, but he soon started to realize it was something extraordinary!! The odds are one in nine million of getting these numbers!! Needless to say, it took us a very long time to clear the paper work alone!! When I finally got home, Max was actually almost in a "mad" that he could never outdo this one!! He promptly left and went back to his apartment. I just sat dazed all night long thinking of cruises, clothes, jewelry, easy street for awhile, etc., etc., etc.!! Well, reality hit early the next morning as word spread, one of the guy friends I had came by with rolls and coffee!! He just automatically said he would get me the best contractors, but I would have to travel down to big city, 50 miles south of us, to pick out building materials for home!! I thought this man does not know what he is talking about. He soon got it through to me, this was my luckiest break I was ever going to have and that I really had to use a great amount of this jackpot to bring my home up to date. Even, I cringed each time I came and went as my roofing was all curling up and flaking off the top of roof!! I was just very lucky that the roof had not started leaking yet!! So, I got new roof, house shaped up, new furnace/central air, hot water heater, you name it besides cruise, clothes and jewelry!! We went down to big city May 04, 2002, for me to pick out colors of roofing, etc. We also picked up the pond/fountain materials for secured gated area along with several hundred pounds of white marble chips to edge the Cape Cod fence with!! Miprezious was a natural digger and fence would never held her by itself!! While getting all this, a couple of teen boys started playing "chicken" with the building material's back warehouse and yard fork lifts!! They soon were yelled at by the foreman!! One got a load of river rock and started for the stock pile of it to add to it. The other boy came out of an aisle and the game re-began!! The teen with river rock load did not understand he could not stop as quickly with a full load as he did unloaded!! To make a long story short, he got me!! And, this began my steady deterioration to becoming wheelchair bound!!
Today, was a Eunice#2 day here!! She came in and was on her cell phone. She has a cell phone that announces the caller's name over and over and over until she answers or resets it!! It has been source of major stress for especially Max and truthfully me at times!! Evidentally, Max had long discussion with Eunice yesterday while enroute up north!! Eunice mentioned something about this while we were in rest room at Olive Garden, but I really had no idea of what she was talking about!! I believe, I am understanding that Eunice assured Max she would have a "chat" with Eunice#2 regarding this situation!! Obviously, we got home much too late last night!!
I had told Eunice#2 right off this morning, that it was NOT going to be a good day for me as I was in excruciating pain and I wanted to be left totally alone in my stitching room!! Max came home from his morning meeting. I had tried to approach Eunice#2 a few weeks ago, and told her Max was on his last nerve with her phone and it's non-stop ringing. Eunice#2 has to receive a call each day from a school principal in an "intervention" process with one of her six children!!
Eunice#2 feels very justified that she should be able to receive any, and all, telephone calls that continue to come in!! Eunice#2 did set her phone to "vibrate" after my "chat" with her. I was trying to warn her that Max is used to dealing with employees in a power generating station and he did not allow any phone calls short of life or death emergency while guys were on job!! He was sent to special seminars just on this subject!! Eunice#2 maintains even while she worked at hospital she was allowed to take these calls. There is no way any one would allow the number of calls she gets any given day!! I feel absolutely terrible, as I do not feel well to begin with and that I had the added stresses of Eunice#2 and Max at each other today!! Max has just had his fill today!! And, of all days possible, one of her children got locked out of their home today and had to come up here for her key!! Max really hit the roof!! I heard him before I ever saw him.
This is a rare happening!! Then, suddenly Eunice#2 comes bursting into my stitching room absolutely in full upset complete with tears while I was on phone trying to get my maiden name changed with my Internet Service Provider to my married name of Markham!! She realized I was on the phone and said she would return as she just had to "get everything off her chest"!!
I truly did not know what to do. I felt I should defend and back my husband and his decisions in his home, but yet I felt so bad for Eunice#2!! I truly wanted to say "let your hubby get these calls at his job next week and see what happens"!! I thought that might make the most sense to every one involved the easiest way possible, but knew her hubby would be fired within first day!! So, there I was!! I did not know if Eunice had chance to speak with Eunice#2 or not!!
So, I called Eunice and left a voice mail about noon that she needed to call me ASAP!! I thought she could simply de-escalate the anger and fighting between Max and Eunice#2. Eunice must have knew what I needed as she came right over without calling to ask!! I don't know who said what as I thought let the three of them come to a truce!! Eunice#2 then came in my room again and told me she was helping out here just because she cared!! She had a room full of undone laundry, but she was here. The money meant nothing, as she cared. AT $9 CASH per hour, I could not find a leg to stand on to try to explain this one to a very angry, more angry than I think I have ever seen prior, Max!! Eunice#2 then asked me to join the three of them in kitchen or did I want them to come into my room and meet? NO WAY - NO ROOM!! So, I toddled out to kitchen and Eunice#2 asked me if I wanted this to be her last day or she would continue with her phone calls!! I simply just sat there looking for "help" in any form from any one!! To tell you the truth, I honestly do not know what the end conclusion was!!
Max was "fortunately" in the hospital when Social Services showed up at our door!! Max was "fortunately" in the hospital this past February when I could not even take minimum care of Miprezious and I during awful ice storm!! Max was "fortunate" that Eunice darted across town about a month ago when he "bled out" in bathroom!! And, no I don't think "fortunate" has any thing to do with being so "unfortunate" to be needing hospitalization!! However, in these instances I would have gladly traded places with him!! I was never so scared and upset ever in my entire life!! I was alone. Eunice was in Bermuda during some of these most awful times.
Eunice#2 was the only person who came to my aid and was first to tell me "Deborah, you are going to be okay"!! And, now every part of me wants to say "Eunice#2 it will be okay", but I can not do this in this particular situation!!
I am sure my pain levels and morphine did not help my judgment of things today!! And, I guess this is why I say I have no idea if this was settled or if so "what are conditions Max feels settled and/or Eunice#2 justified"!!
Good grief, I get a Caretaker that I totally trust the household finances to and am sure she would never take so much as a penny from here!! In fact, she found a dime in washer the other day and made sure I noted she placed it on fireplace mantle for Max to pick up!!
I still think Max feels "overpaid" and Eunice#2 feels "overworked"!! And, I do not have a clue as to what to do or how to handle this whatsoever. I have not been to any "Caretaker Seminars" nor have I been told what to do or not to do!! All I can say is I have to pray real hard on this one over weekend. Eunice#2 is due back to work at 10:00 a.m. Monday morning!!
Well, I have got myself a written record of this day now and perhaps reading and re-reading may some time show me an answer!! All I can say is Lord help us!!
I do not have a picture of updated progress of today on my Harley project!! And, needless to say, I am not asking for one this night!! I may find myself being "terminated"!! So, it is off to elevate for me and hopefully loose some swelling before time for brunch tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. This eating out is coming back to me all too well ,I am afraid ,and I REALLY LIKE IT!!
Needless to say, today was nothing short of BRUTAL!! I have been in excruciating pain, BUT I AM NOTcomplaining!! I have brief moments of thinking it was worth every moment of our wonderful day and evening yesterday!! Eunice, Max and I did have an absolutely wonderful time, but I way over did my time up!! I have got some very "nasty" swelling in legs, but Max says he has seen me worse!! I don't know when and prefer to keep it that way!!
I fully intended to stay in my stitching recliner and do nothing, but stitch this entire day!! I did not even want to try to move or not have my legs fully elevated!! I have had to take fast acting morphine since last night as the pain is so bad!! But, I think they will be all right or perhaps, my judgment is impaired by additional morphine!! It is hard to say, but I truly do not regret doing my little break-out and it did me a world of good just to get out finally. We just needed to not "stay out" quite as long as we did!! I did finally say we had to give it up and head for home and everyone cashed out immediately. Even the casinos have changed since I was last in them. There is hardly no need of attendants whatsoever any more!! This is too bad, as I am sure many lost their jobs!!
Unbelievably, we have a local casino right here in Clinton on the river frontage. It is only about 12 blocks from our home!! In fact, Eunice has got "GOLD" rating at the local casino!! This enables her to have all the meals and drinks she, and her guests "us", would like any time we choose to go. Eunice has chosen to go for "brunch" tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m.!! I can not believe I agreed to go when she checked on us after supper tonight!! Max was at an AA Meeting, so I can not even place blame on him!! I think I have re-created the casino "monster"
personality in me again!!
I should know better. And, locally there are too many people I can run into including my primary care physician as I know he has got the "gambling fever" also!! My whole life was ruined because of this local casino if I care to go way back to the very beginning. I won $40,000, a once in a life time fluke, April 29, 2002. It happened about midnight as Max had "asked me out" that evening and we went to casino for supper and a few hours of gambling!! Max was really tired, and he lived about 12 miles south of Clinton, back then!! He was actually at the exit doors waiting on me!! I was too lazy to walk back to the "bank" way at the rear end of the casino and I was running Keno numbers up front end of casino. I just decided to double, triple and quadruple down and all of a sudden I see 8 out of 10 numbers come in and I thought "wow, new dress I want so badly"!! Then, the 9th popped in and right at the end of round good ole 10th came up and I just about fainted!! No one ever knew what to call me when Max and I were out together. Most knew we had been married many years before, and few knew actually what our status was at this time. One of the regular gals ran over to Max and told him , "that woman he was with" me just had hit 10 out of 10 and he called her a "liar"!! She then told him I was quadrupled down!! Max then told her he was sure she was "lying"!! By this time, the crowd had surrounded me and Max could not reach me to find out just what I had done, but he soon started to realize it was something extraordinary!! The odds are one in nine million of getting these numbers!! Needless to say, it took us a very long time to clear the paper work alone!! When I finally got home, Max was actually almost in a "mad" that he could never outdo this one!! He promptly left and went back to his apartment. I just sat dazed all night long thinking of cruises, clothes, jewelry, easy street for awhile, etc., etc., etc.!! Well, reality hit early the next morning as word spread, one of the guy friends I had came by with rolls and coffee!! He just automatically said he would get me the best contractors, but I would have to travel down to big city, 50 miles south of us, to pick out building materials for home!! I thought this man does not know what he is talking about. He soon got it through to me, this was my luckiest break I was ever going to have and that I really had to use a great amount of this jackpot to bring my home up to date. Even, I cringed each time I came and went as my roofing was all curling up and flaking off the top of roof!! I was just very lucky that the roof had not started leaking yet!! So, I got new roof, house shaped up, new furnace/central air, hot water heater, you name it besides cruise, clothes and jewelry!! We went down to big city May 04, 2002, for me to pick out colors of roofing, etc. We also picked up the pond/fountain materials for secured gated area along with several hundred pounds of white marble chips to edge the Cape Cod fence with!! Miprezious was a natural digger and fence would never held her by itself!! While getting all this, a couple of teen boys started playing "chicken" with the building material's back warehouse and yard fork lifts!! They soon were yelled at by the foreman!! One got a load of river rock and started for the stock pile of it to add to it. The other boy came out of an aisle and the game re-began!! The teen with river rock load did not understand he could not stop as quickly with a full load as he did unloaded!! To make a long story short, he got me!! And, this began my steady deterioration to becoming wheelchair bound!!
Today, was a Eunice#2 day here!! She came in and was on her cell phone. She has a cell phone that announces the caller's name over and over and over until she answers or resets it!! It has been source of major stress for especially Max and truthfully me at times!! Evidentally, Max had long discussion with Eunice yesterday while enroute up north!! Eunice mentioned something about this while we were in rest room at Olive Garden, but I really had no idea of what she was talking about!! I believe, I am understanding that Eunice assured Max she would have a "chat" with Eunice#2 regarding this situation!! Obviously, we got home much too late last night!!
I had told Eunice#2 right off this morning, that it was NOT going to be a good day for me as I was in excruciating pain and I wanted to be left totally alone in my stitching room!! Max came home from his morning meeting. I had tried to approach Eunice#2 a few weeks ago, and told her Max was on his last nerve with her phone and it's non-stop ringing. Eunice#2 has to receive a call each day from a school principal in an "intervention" process with one of her six children!!
Eunice#2 feels very justified that she should be able to receive any, and all, telephone calls that continue to come in!! Eunice#2 did set her phone to "vibrate" after my "chat" with her. I was trying to warn her that Max is used to dealing with employees in a power generating station and he did not allow any phone calls short of life or death emergency while guys were on job!! He was sent to special seminars just on this subject!! Eunice#2 maintains even while she worked at hospital she was allowed to take these calls. There is no way any one would allow the number of calls she gets any given day!! I feel absolutely terrible, as I do not feel well to begin with and that I had the added stresses of Eunice#2 and Max at each other today!! Max has just had his fill today!! And, of all days possible, one of her children got locked out of their home today and had to come up here for her key!! Max really hit the roof!! I heard him before I ever saw him.
This is a rare happening!! Then, suddenly Eunice#2 comes bursting into my stitching room absolutely in full upset complete with tears while I was on phone trying to get my maiden name changed with my Internet Service Provider to my married name of Markham!! She realized I was on the phone and said she would return as she just had to "get everything off her chest"!!
I truly did not know what to do. I felt I should defend and back my husband and his decisions in his home, but yet I felt so bad for Eunice#2!! I truly wanted to say "let your hubby get these calls at his job next week and see what happens"!! I thought that might make the most sense to every one involved the easiest way possible, but knew her hubby would be fired within first day!! So, there I was!! I did not know if Eunice had chance to speak with Eunice#2 or not!!
So, I called Eunice and left a voice mail about noon that she needed to call me ASAP!! I thought she could simply de-escalate the anger and fighting between Max and Eunice#2. Eunice must have knew what I needed as she came right over without calling to ask!! I don't know who said what as I thought let the three of them come to a truce!! Eunice#2 then came in my room again and told me she was helping out here just because she cared!! She had a room full of undone laundry, but she was here. The money meant nothing, as she cared. AT $9 CASH per hour, I could not find a leg to stand on to try to explain this one to a very angry, more angry than I think I have ever seen prior, Max!! Eunice#2 then asked me to join the three of them in kitchen or did I want them to come into my room and meet? NO WAY - NO ROOM!! So, I toddled out to kitchen and Eunice#2 asked me if I wanted this to be her last day or she would continue with her phone calls!! I simply just sat there looking for "help" in any form from any one!! To tell you the truth, I honestly do not know what the end conclusion was!!
Max was "fortunately" in the hospital when Social Services showed up at our door!! Max was "fortunately" in the hospital this past February when I could not even take minimum care of Miprezious and I during awful ice storm!! Max was "fortunate" that Eunice darted across town about a month ago when he "bled out" in bathroom!! And, no I don't think "fortunate" has any thing to do with being so "unfortunate" to be needing hospitalization!! However, in these instances I would have gladly traded places with him!! I was never so scared and upset ever in my entire life!! I was alone. Eunice was in Bermuda during some of these most awful times.
Eunice#2 was the only person who came to my aid and was first to tell me "Deborah, you are going to be okay"!! And, now every part of me wants to say "Eunice#2 it will be okay", but I can not do this in this particular situation!!
I am sure my pain levels and morphine did not help my judgment of things today!! And, I guess this is why I say I have no idea if this was settled or if so "what are conditions Max feels settled and/or Eunice#2 justified"!!
Good grief, I get a Caretaker that I totally trust the household finances to and am sure she would never take so much as a penny from here!! In fact, she found a dime in washer the other day and made sure I noted she placed it on fireplace mantle for Max to pick up!!
I still think Max feels "overpaid" and Eunice#2 feels "overworked"!! And, I do not have a clue as to what to do or how to handle this whatsoever. I have not been to any "Caretaker Seminars" nor have I been told what to do or not to do!! All I can say is I have to pray real hard on this one over weekend. Eunice#2 is due back to work at 10:00 a.m. Monday morning!!
Well, I have got myself a written record of this day now and perhaps reading and re-reading may some time show me an answer!! All I can say is Lord help us!!
I do not have a picture of updated progress of today on my Harley project!! And, needless to say, I am not asking for one this night!! I may find myself being "terminated"!! So, it is off to elevate for me and hopefully loose some swelling before time for brunch tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. This eating out is coming back to me all too well ,I am afraid ,and I REALLY LIKE IT!!
Later Wednesday, April 02, 2008 - I Am Still Here!!

Well, I just had the most excellent page I thought I ever had done, but "poof" I lost it again!! But, I should be used to it by now as this was the second attempt!! Perhaps, thrid time is the charm!!
As Wednesday day was slowly changing over to evening I had much I had forgot to remind myself about!! I had a very unique, interesting and still wondering if it was real Wednesday evening!!
To back up, I have a bi-annual ritual I do on every second day of April and on every Father's Day!! I am unable to make my way across the grass, although April usually only finds mud, to the other land that I own, this being our "lots" where my father and DeDe I are resting!! This may sound crazy to all of you, bored enough, to read this chat as to remember I did get this done again!!
If pancreatic cancer had not robbed me of my father we would have been having a prime rib dinner with all the trimmings and birthday cake with 80 candles on it this evening!! Oh, what a difference my life would be!! My father simply would not have allowed the struggles, trials and tribulations we have been tested with!! It just would not have been acceptable or allowable!!
I would never have had the life changing experience of the "hellhole" Nursing Home or would my beautiful home ever been in jeopardy of Max and I "being adults in need of assistance" or would we be left in the charge of "caretakers"!!
Thus, on April 02 and Father's Day of each year, Max goes, at dawn, to 24 hour open grocery/floral store. I have always had a large bouquet of balloons with silver cryslar "Happy Birthday" or "Happy Father's Day" upon them. We take them up to the cemetery where my father (along with DeDe I) are laid to rest. Max anchors this bouquet on my father's military bronze marker. I can then happily carry on with yet another "chat" with my father!! I am never sure, but I believe he gets many visitors on especially these two dates!! I hope every one leaves a message as I did at dawn. On these evening's we return at sunset, and Max releases the balloons, and we watch their disappearance far up into the sky, hopefully all the way
to heaven!! Over the edge? Perhaps!! However, it gives me my "daddy fix" for some additional time!!
Late Wednesday afternoon Max and I had real "awakening", or, perhaps it would be more correct to say my "mother" had a real "awakening" where she must have heard from God!!
After vowing, she would "never be seen with me, as unattractive as I had become, since being handicapped to wheelchair" Mother invited Max and I out to nicest restaurant in this area!! We picked "mother" up and had a pleasant drive to restaurant, about 20 miles east of us. I believe I slept most of the way to the restaurant. "Mother" actually requested a front table as she did not want to put me through discomfort of wheelchair all the way to the back of the restaurant and it was more conveniently located to the salad bar!! We had nice conversation and a very lovely dinner!! Max and I both needed "Miprezious bags" as we could not begin to eat all the food that was brought to us. And, they had the very best sweet corn bread!! I think I "pigged" out and was full just from this!!
We returned home and I began to stitch until I went to sleep in my comfy recliner!! At some point, Max got me up to go back to sleep in our bed!! I would have been just as comfy in my recliner, and had far less struggle, trying to get up from it than I have trying to get out of our darn Thermopedic bed Max could not live with out!! I think he watches too much television!!
I continued to vascillate whether "yes, I am going" or "no, I do not dare" about going on our 120 mile journey for Max's one week re-check of surgery a week ago Thursday!! We had a big day planned for ourselves, "if" I decided to try and break-out for the day!! I don't think I actually decided for sure until the very moment I decided to "go for the gusto" and was going out our entry door!! Eunice was actually very surprised to meet us as we were getting my lift out of the van as she was coming across the street. She was sure, she would have been called, to come over and assist us in getting me ready to go if I was going. We fooled her and had me all dressed up and everything loaded and ready to go all on our own!! It felt so good!! Freedom!!
We had a very uneventful trip up to the Surgeon's office!! Probably, because as Eunice#2 says, " you can not take me even out to Wal-Mart (about 12 miles) without having to try and wake me up when we arrive"!! I do not even remember seeing the city limits while headed north!! I had a real nice morning nap!! Turned out, I really needed it, too!!
We arrived at Surgeon's office about 20 minutes ahead of our appointment time!! We all went back with Max and the Surgeon said he was doing absolutely great!! He told him he could quit whinning about his "fishing and golf" as he could rebegin any time he wanted!! This was a bit hard for me to believe as the fishing poles and golf clubs have remained untouched since we closed up the cabin for the final time 3 to 4 years ago!! At last look-see Max's golf clubs were still intact, unlike mine which have disappeared with Lori's last "shopping trips"!!
Surgeon was same one who was among team who accepted Medic Evac flight team's ghostly white limp rag delivery of me Halloween night, 2002 with only life support sustaining any life in me at all at that time!! He remembers this as being one of worse cases he ever agreed to accept transfer care of!! He attempted last, all out, try to establish a central line in my more dead than alive body!! He opted to just try procedure right in Critical Care Unit of hospital's Intensive Care. He did not want to waste any more time in waiting for an operating room and full staff to arrive. Within minutes, this surgeon was very successful in establishing this vital need to sustain my life longer to give me any chance at surviving. All the other specialists, and this surgeon, did not even give me a chance of regaining consciousness!! But, I did come out of comatose state during the third night of my being there. All I can remember is the doctors all seriously told me I literally had a "new birthday"!! This Surgeon was in agreement with all the other specialists that I would not survive after being discharged between 6 to 18 months!! I think he thought he was seeing a "ghost" all over again yesterday!! He then added instructions to Max that he was also free to do dishes, dust, sweep, mop, rub my back and feet and a few other chores!! I always knew this was a very smart man and told Max to make sure he got his instructions down to the letter!! He wants to see Max again in one month!! I will reserve this decision again until it is moment of departure again next month!!
After leaving the Surgeon's office we found the Olive Garden restaurant to have lunch. We had a very pleasant lunch and again the food was fantastic. Wow!! I set new record of going out to eat twice in one week as I can not even begin time before this as it probably was over years!! I could learn to like this!!
And, then we were all BAD, BAD, BAD!! I just knew we would and I should have known better!!
We had all decided days, probably weeks, ago that if I went this day we were going to the local gambling casino!! It would have probably been all right, if I had just paced myself!! But, NO WAY, we were having too much fun!! We ended up leaving the casino well after 9:00 p.m.!!
We simply did just have a very enjoyable day and evening!! I do not think any of us really won all that, or lost all that, but, just had more fun than we have had in years!!
When we exited the casino we went out into a very cold downpour of rain. I heard on television that his city received two additional inches of snow before this morning!! We went from downpour rain to sleet to snow to downright almost blizzard!! There is a slightly shorter way of traveling where we can cut off about 20 miles, but the road is very curvy and two lane all the way!! Max opted for longer route, but it was pretty much a four lane straight way!! It was good it was, as Max and Eunice said there were absolutely no road lights any where along this route.
I was asleep again, before we hit city limits of leaving town!! They said they drove out of awful blizzard like snow, into sleet and then downpour rain again!! Evidently, when we reached city limit of Clinton the roads were completely dry and in real good condition!! We reached home by 11:00 p.m. I was very exhausted and already in excruciating pain. I immediately got changed into comfy night gown and got directly into chair and elevated these legs!!
I stitched most of night as there was no sleep for me!! I still have not slept, but feel after a few hours more of stitching I surely will go to bed tonight!!
I had a real rough day today, but will make additional post as to it!!
I "think", and hope, that my progress pictures will be attached, but it seems like they are above this writing!! The first one is of night before last and the second one should be of last night. I can only hope real progress can be seen!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
HOORAY!! I think I have found out how to finally download pictures on this blog!!
I was going to post my Blog yesterday and try to convince you alll it was an April Fool's joke, but it just was not much!! But, now I am announcing my brand new blog and reinserted my album site also in my signature line. The Webshots album will have lots of new additions, over 1,000 charts, one place or another!! And, I will get the entire album reorganized over the next few weeks!! I will have 100's of charts and stash "To Go"!!
I have had a wonderful and easy laid back day. Resting my legs so I can go to Dubuque with Max and Eunice as they want to go to the river boat casino after he is done with Surgeon's re-check!! Not sure, if I want to go to casino ever again though!! My last casino day was my luckiest day ever which was shortly followed by four days when I was out spending some of my $40,000 on a roof at a building supply store and was hit!!
I was going to post my Blog yesterday and try to convince you alll it was an April Fool's joke, but it just was not much!! But, now I am announcing my brand new blog and reinserted my album site also in my signature line. The Webshots album will have lots of new additions, over 1,000 charts, one place or another!! And, I will get the entire album reorganized over the next few weeks!! I will have 100's of charts and stash "To Go"!!
I have had a wonderful and easy laid back day. Resting my legs so I can go to Dubuque with Max and Eunice as they want to go to the river boat casino after he is done with Surgeon's re-check!! Not sure, if I want to go to casino ever again though!! My last casino day was my luckiest day ever which was shortly followed by four days when I was out spending some of my $40,000 on a roof at a building supply store and was hit!!
Here is Elmo. I tried so very hard to obtain him for the dear "little man", Felix!! He is voyaging to Germany!! I am in great hopes he will bring Nici some smiles. You can not help, but smile when you see him!! However, if his presence brings unpleasant memories to Nici, I have told her it would then be wonderful to just donate him to the Children's Hospital in memory of Felix!! I simply had no words to say to this extraordinary Mother!!

These are the lovely Carrie's Creations Threads that Kathy Kiley sent me for the Affordable Floss Exchange. They are all my favorite colors!! I am crazy over pinks, purples and Mauves. I got Raspberry Swirl, Marvelous, Dusty Purple, Dusty Mauve, Shockwave, Purple Pansy, Spring Delight, Lilac, Dusty Rose, Purple, Ultraviolet, Bubble Gum, Warm Fuzzy, Cherry Popsicle, and Sunset colors!! I have to pick a pattern and want to use each and every one of these colors so I can name it Kathy's something!!
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