Hello All My Dearest Ones,
I wanted to have so very much posted by now, however, my nasty respiratory infection got the best of me!!
I need to number one be the best I possibly can be for my upcoming Surgery on November 20!! I want to have my Stitching Sanctuary, Living Room, Kitchen and Garage all re-touched up again! I detest coming home to a less than perfect home. I also need to have the extra bed in "That Room" made comfortable as I may have to have some one stay a few nights with me after my Surgery (more details to follow). And, lastly, as soon as I possibly can get it done I have dozens and dozens of books, charts and kits for Cross Stitch and Plastic Canvas to find new homes for!!
Well, enough about my keeping myself well, as I have learned the differences between Day-Quill and Night-Quill!! And, I am trying to keep myself the best I can so I can go into this Surgery the best I can be!! I had some "epidsodes" of grave concern during my Surgery in September that I do NOT want to repeat!!
As for my upcoming Surgery!! A severe part of RSD and additionally a side effect of many of the medications I must take on a daily basis is my teeth deteriorating!! Well, they were never what any one would term as "Good", but literally within a week it seemed like every tooth in my head started to deteriorate!! Early this past summer, I began arrangements to have all my teeth removed and replaced with dentures!! I dreaded this some thing awful!! But, nevertheless, I went about making the dreaded arrangements and decided I would have to go through it!! Well, as we all know my beloved stomach had other plans!!
Well, my stomach Surgeon cleared me to go on to my Oral Surgeon. My Oral Surgeon is located 50 miles south of me in the next largest town of this cornfield state of Iowa!! As of now, this Oral Surgeon has volunteered to travel up to me and perform my Oral Surgery locally!! This Oral Surgeon had decided on my first consult that he thought it best that my teeth be extracted in full Surgery in a hospital setting and that if I did not object he would like me kept in the hospital for as long as possible after the Surgery. This is mainly for pain control. The Oral Surgeon, himself, has termed this Surgery as "BRUTAL" as I have nothing, but bits and pieces left in my mouth!! I am on daily morphine, for any QUALITY of life as my RSD is so devastating to my body and the pain is nothing short of excruciating day in and day out!! Thus, there is little I can be given, without constant monitoring by medical personnel, as I am taking top doses of morphine daily!! Thus, I can be once again placed on the morphine pump and given additional pain control only if I am kept in the hospital!! Presently, I think the doctors are still in heated discussions with my insurance companies!! So, nothing can be planned on at this point, except Plan A, me being kept in hospital and Plan B, me being taken care of round the clock by my dear part-time Cargiver, Wanda, combined with never ending care of my endeared world's best friend, world's best neighbor and world's best Cargiver Eunice!!
My immediate task at hand, is my "12 Days of Christmas" Exchange!! I vowed to stay away from all Group Exchanges as it was almost like the "kiss of death" to me!! Let me sign up for an exchange and something terribly horrible would happen to either Max or myself!! I ALWAYS did fully comply with my exchange rules and ALWAYS sent some thing additional extra-special to my Exchange Partner, to show how sorry I was for being late and to show my appreciation for their patience with me!! I began planning immediately for my "12 Days of Christmas" Exchange and have continued working on it non-stop since Colin informed me who my Exchange partner was!! I plan on continuing until every thing is done, wrapped, and sent on it's way well before my Surgery date!!
AND, then, the matter at hand that every one is anxiously awaiting for!! I have a huge amount of books, charts and kits for Cross Stitch and Plastic Canvas that I want to find new homes for!! As most of you know, I have never tried to profit from any of my stash I have ever wanted to find new homes for in the past!!
However, my circumstances have drastically changed with Max's departure!! He has gotten himself into so much trouble it will take a whole other Blog some slow news day to tell you!! As a result, he continues to try and get out of paying me the Support Payments he is legally bound to pay!! So, I never know for sure when I will get one check to another!! I am sure God will provide!! I could go into Court and come away with a great deal, but it would absolutely do Max in and he is doing a good job at that all by himself!! Yes, Max has returned to his never ending addiction of drinking!! All I can say, is THANK GOD, I saw the wisdom to make him leave when I did!!
Thus, I am going to have to ask for postage and wrappings actual cost prior to shipping out "Stash To Go"!! And, I am also going to ask a simple $1 fee for each item also!! I am doing this primarily to provide funds for some of our members who have been experiencing worse times than myself and many others in our Group!! I will NEVER risk embarassing any one by divulging who these people are, but all they need do is simply remind me of the "bumps in the road" they are experiencing!! I feel bad for any one having difficulties, and I want this "giveaway" to be fair for each and every one of you!! I don't think any one will object to paying $1 for any of the "Stash To Go" that I will be offering as it is all in excellent condition and most absolutely not even touched or opened!! I want all to have equal opportunity!! We have had a great number of our members who have suddenly found their selves and/or spouse unemployed or have just lost their homes and a number of misfortunes!! And, it is because of my poor memory that I even ask that these people once again remind me of their "bumps" so I will know their $1 and postage can be used for that extra gallon of milk or whatever!!
All my "Stash To Go" that will be listed as soon as I possibly can get it photographed and listed will be in brand new or excellent conditions!! I will go with the first one to ask for it, as the one who gets it. However, I will ask for a predetermined reasonable date to expect the $1 and postage and then expect it to be in my mailbox by that date or if not, I will go on to the second one asking for that particular piece of stash!!
I do hope that every one believes that I am doing this in the most fair way possible. If you should not, PLEASE do not hesitate to let me know and if I can see validity in your suggestion, I will not think twice about implementing it!!
I do not want to hurt any one's feelings and I do not want any one to think I am not fair or to think badly of me!! Please tell me what you think!! I will never get mad at any one for telling me what they think!! I simply consider it their opinion and every one are entitled to their own opinion!!
And with that, I will not be Blogging real soon unless I have been able to list some of the "Stash To Go"!! Also, I do not think I will be taking up space on the main Board of announcing that new stash has been posted as this way only the people interested enough and will click this on each day will have the chance to get what they really would like!! I could post, but then every one would look then, if they never had before or if they never will again!!
Love and Hugs!!
Miprezious, too!!
Book Review: The In-Between Bookstore
3 weeks ago
Never think you're not being fair. My goodness, you're practically giving away stash. I can't imagine anyone complaining about any of it.
I hope this surgery will work out ok and it relieves of you some of the problems you're having to deal with. Will keep you in prayer. Hugs.
I hope that the people that can afford to, will offer you more than $1 for each thing they get. This is more than generous of you and there are LOTS of people who CAN afford more. Of to write you a private email.
Hope the surgery goes well and that you are back on your feet as soon as possible. You've got yourself a great oral surgeon that he will travel to you. Keep us posted on how things are going so we don't worry too much.
Your such a generous person and so thoughtful to offer your extras to those who would like things and don't have alot of money. Please take care of yourself too.
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