I thoroughly had planned the first tour of my "Stitching Sanctuary" - Phase One in this posting. However, little Miss Miprezious Dee Dee II had other unexpected plans!! I have been working ever so hard in completing the complete revamp of MY home!! I want only MY things there and placed in MY favorite positions and organizations.
I had Eunice and Granny Lou over for a lovely pot roast dinner with potatoes and carrots. I also made fresh muffins. And, we had Turtle Pie for dessert!!
Well, Mi is a little food-alholic!! And, cooking home made pot roast has not happened a whole lot during the past 3-1/2 months. Thus, Mi did hit every one's chair side!! And, it seems Mi got used to "hand feeding" from both Granny Lou and Eunice while I was hospitalized last month!! Thus, little Mi ate like a little piggy, instead of the little poodle she is, and this was right through the Turtle Pie course!! This was a small celebration to show what all I had accomplished on my own and very independent during the past 3-1/2 months with the down time of my surgery also being in this time frame!! We had an extremely pleasant evening and both Eunice and Granny Lou could not believe all I had got done!! Precious little Mi overate WAY too much!! About 4:00 a.m. she woke me with a very upset tummy and it has continued on through this evening!! Just when I think she is doing well again, she begins her diarrhea bouts all over again!! Needless to say, I rescheduled the carpet cleaning for a few days!! Thus, my rooms are not ready for photos yet!!
Eunice and I had planned on going to Davenport (50 miles south of us) shopping on Saturday!!
Eunice originally planned on taking Miprezious with us as most of the shops we had to go to very much welcome Miprezious!! However, it was a bit "iffy" on taking Miprezious by our departure at 10:00 a.m. Thus, Mi was a bit more settled and we decided to leave her home and just go ourselves. We did and had a very full day!! We had several things we needed to pick up and we went non-stop until 4:00 p.m. before we started our hour trip back home!!
Upon getting home, Mi was quite happy to see me and there was no indication of her not feeling so well. I was chilled to the bone and had chills for the first time in over six years!! I also was sooooooo tired!! I had not had a day of shopping like this for several years!! Thus, I took Mi and went into my bed to simply get warm and return phone calls I had waiting for me. Soon, I fell deep asleep and stayed there until 10:00 p.m.!!
I could not sleep at all most of the rest of Saturday evening!! And, I had to be up quite early for church with Granny Lou and Eunice on Sunday morning!! Church was quite a special experience!! Granny Lou and Eunice left their homes together Sunday morning and walked over to my home and helped me out to my van and Eunice drove the three of us together to church!! It was a real special experience attending services together!!
Monday morning came and I thought Mi was feeling much better, but come yesterday, Tuesday, morning I soon knew she was not. Mi woke me a little after 9:00 a.m. and she had "that look" and demanded to get out of my bed ASAP!! Just in the knick of time - almost!! Let me tell you how close only counts in horseshoes!!! What a long, long day and too many messes to count!!
Wanda came and started to work at my home yesterday and all she did was loads of wash!! She is coming back to work for me today, however, she is simply picking up more laundry and tends to go to the laundromat and use the "Big Boys" to wash a couple of Mi's beds!!
BUT, I did get to spend many hours on my stitching during the "bad bouts"!! I finally got a finish again!! Monday night I fell asleep in my lift recliner. I awoke at 5:00 a.m. and to my complete horrification I found my scissors in my hand with my new project in the other hand!! That was way to close for comfort!!! It would have been so easy for me to have taken even the tiniest of snips and this project would have been HISTORY!! HOWEVER, it was untouched!! I spent several hours today finishing the back stitching on this first ornament I have completed!!
Pictured above is the first of a set of six ornaments that I intend to stitch for MY own Christmas tree this year!! I can't wait to see this first one on the tree!!
I have filled my "Stitching Sanctuary" to the brim!! The inn is full!! I have finally found a use for "That Room"!! It is now going to be my "Stitching Sanctuary" - Phase Two!! I have all kinds of shelves and drawers just standing empty so I decided to keep all the 250 plus small kits I have accumulated over there, along with some of the very old charts!!
I am thrilled to have another finish for this year!! I would have had to say this was boring, boring and boring week, but life is never boring with stitching and especially stitching with a sure finish in sight!!
As of now, I am still trying to evaluate just how Mi is feeling!! If she does not perk up and her tummy does not settle by this afternoon completely I think we willl have to schedule a trip to her Vet ASAP!! But, with the exception of Mi's upset tummy we are okay!!
Love and Hugs!!
Miprezious, too!!
I do hope Mi is feeling better today.
A FINISH!!!! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! Doing a major Happy Dance here in NY.
Awwww... I hope the little pup is feeling better soon.
Congratulations on a finish, Deborah. I'm so happy for you!
And I'm so proud of you for all you've accomplished over the past several months. That dinner sounded absolutely yummy!
Congratulations on another finish!! I know you must be dancing in your chair!
I hope DeeDee is feeling better soon! You'll have to start slapping fingers for feeding her from the table! Poor little girl!
Hugs & stitches,
Nice finish! Hope your little Mizprecious is feeling better today.
WOOHOO, I'm dancing along with Kathy for you. I know there will be more finishes before the end of the year.
Hope Mi is feeling better real soon, going to have to put that little girl on a strict diet so she doesn't keep getting the upset tummy.
good to hear that everybody is doing well. Expect little Mizzie then. Give the little thingy a hug from me please.
Ohhh....and I love that new finish. Looks GREAT
Congratulations on your finish your ornament is very cute!
So sorry to hear your baby is not feeling well, hope she is better very soon.
So proud of you take care HUGS
Patty Smith
I hope Mi is feeling better now. I really like your little tea cup.
Love your new finish, I am sure by now you are well on your way to the next one!
Congrats! Nice Job my friend.
I love your finish! Keep up the good work here and will be watching for more finishes. I do hope your baby is better now.
Hey girlfriend! You've been tagged! Check my blog for details.
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