I do not know how this line thing came about and can not figure out how to get rid of it. Whatever!!
I got the biggest surprise and shock of my life last night at my "Grief Share" class. A birthday cake, the most beautiful I have ever seen, almost arrived literally from heaven. I truly feel Max close as I begin the many activities planned for me this holiday weekend. My actural birthday is not until this Monday.
This cake was made of real sugar flowers and they are absolutely exquisite!! Truly this cake all came about through my helping out a hospice patient, who most unfortunately passed a few hours after her husband arrived back at the hospital. I truly felt like I did nothing, but evidently this touched more people than I even began to realize. I truly do not do things for any thing as I just want to give back as I was so generously given with my beloved Max. I think I am crying over this cake more than any thing else at this time!! Got to get ahold again!!
Well, enough break for now and I guess I should have taken update of Max's Memory Box. I have just about the entire center done and will be beginning the border shortly and hopefully finishing it this weekend.
I found a lovely crystal vase to put the shell casings in from Max's twenty-one gun salute. A lovely wooden flag case is being finished with having his name and U.S. Navy inscribed on it. I have a beautiful bookcase for these things. Also, found one of the most beautiful ever "Guardian Angel" figures with awesome verse on her. Now, just to find the most perfect of pictures of Max and finish his box and I will feel I have completed all I can do for him. Truly wanted to have it all done for Memorial Day, which is my actual birthday also, but will not receive most things till first mail day on Tuesday as things appear now.
I can actually feel some of the heavy burden of Max's passing lifting from me a bit. It is a truly incredible feeling. I am far from over grieving him completely, but I am doing okay!!
Back to get those needles smoking!!
Love and Hugs!!
Deborah, you more than deserve such a beautiful cake, you are a generous and wonderful woman!
I'm glad you're doing okay.
Many hugs
What a lovely cake, very appropriate as you are a lovely woman. I hope you get your items soon, I hate stalking the postman, lol. I'm so glad you're feeling better, and not letting your grief get you down!!
Beautiful cake for a lovely lady. How thoughtful of them.
Chris B.
The cake looks great and so do you! Happy birthday my dear friend!!!
The stitching looks very nice, I can wait to see some more. Keep these needles flying!!
That cake looks awesome and sugar flowers?? wow! Looking forward to your box being done. All your plans for your memorial things sound lovely.
It sounds like you're doing as well as expected in your grief process.
Again, happy birthday. The cake looks beautiful and that's a great photo of you. :)
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