Hello Dearest Ones,
After having the worst of worst evenings on Thursday, I just had to get away from my Christmas deadline projects!! I am sure I will live to regret this decision, but it is now HISTORY!!
I am going to attach a photo of my Christmas gift Sampler, GOOD NEIGHBOR, that I am attempting to have done for Granny Lou and a duplicate for Eunice and Marion. The one I am attaching just needs the initial "S" for Short and then a "A" on the other yet to be done Sampler.
I also wish to incorporate the year's date on this also. I had it stitched in towards the bottom already, but promptly took it out as I did not like it!! And, I have plans on finishing them both as "Flatfolds" if JoAnns ever sends me my fabric. I had to change my banking account due to Max having access to it. And, in course of doing this, the new bank has given me a VISA Card instead of the MASTER CARD I have had forever!! It appears JoAnns can not get their records changed and get it correct. Thus, I have no fabric for Flatfold yet!! I sure hope these are done in time for Christmas!! Of course, both Eunice and Granny Lou are going out of town for holiday so I may have a day or two extra!! And, if history is to repeat itself again, the good Lord knows I will need each day I can get!! So, I almost have one Sampler done, but have no idea how long it actually took me!! I intend on spending the rest of this day and all of this evening on the second Sampler!!
As for my fun time Friday and yesterday!! I rebegan my "KEWPIE DOLLS"!! Attached is a front all finished and cut out. And, on the plastic canvas sheet is the beginning of the back of this Kewpie Doll. You whip stitch the front to back and fill it with polyester fiberfill, especially in the stomach to make the extended rounded belly of a Kewpie Doll!! I can not wait to get one stuffed and see how she comes out. I have five different KEWPIE DOLLS that I want to make!!
And, I received a beautiful piece of White Opalescent fabric for my new and very exciting to me "Secret Project"!! I want to stitch a cute little "black" angel that has a sign attached to her that says "Merry Christmas" after my Christmas Samplers for Wanda, but I don't even think it has a remote chance before New Year's, but she too will be out of town so it will give me some additional time. But, I plan on beginning my new "Secret Project" on Christmas Eve and just stitch through the entire holidays!! Hopefully this will afford me enough time to finish it. It is going to be a Bell Pull when I finish it. I am very excited about this project!!
And, I will be posting all my beautiful "12 Days of Christmas" things, but I am going to take my time and get the pictures right!! So, Tracy please don't think I have forgotten these, as I definitely have not!! Again, THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!
As for the nastiness of Thursday evening. I simply do not want to discuss it any further as it totally repulses me and upsets me. I will just update that I am going to go through Social Worker in the morning to initiate THEM recommitting him as I simply will not do any thing more other than give them a very serious warning that something must be done. I just do not understand why things have to be repeated over and over, before some one else will take action!! This has finally come to a very serious head and I hope for Max's sake the Social Workers do take my advice. We would/will be married thirty years on December 21 and thus I do know just how bad it can get!! Unfortunately, Thursday evening was far worse than I ever had to see before and I WILL NOT DO IT AGAIN!!
So, hopefully I will catch up here and have some really neat and pleasant things to end this year!!
Love and Hugs!!
Miprezious, too!!
Stitching looks good. I hope you get them all done. Can't wait to see the Kewpie Dolls.
The kewpie doll is adorable!! So is your sampler. I'm sure the JoAnn's problem will work itself out.
Your stitch doll is really cute! Great job getting the sampler done. I am sure both recipients will be thrilled with something stitched by you!
Love the stitching!
The Kewpie Doll is so cute. Your simpler is really beautiful. Katrien - ILCS
I am sooooooo proud of you. Your stitching is looking fantastic!!! Keep those needles flying girlfriend. How many finishes is that for this year?? :)
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