Thursday, September 25, 2008


Hello All My Dear Friends and Family,

I don't have much to post today, but have promised so many of you to keep up daily via my Blog as to how I am doing!!

I am feeling okay, but all appears quite unwell!! My stomach is very extended and hurts very badly when poked or prodded!! My Nurse tried to get through to my Surgeon today, but his office personel did not think it worth their mentioning to the doctor!!! He told me, if there were any changes or concerns that I was to call him immediately!! Well, we tried and as long as I am not in pain, I am in no big hurry to see him as it irregardless is going to mean further hospitalizations!! I can't stand the thought of this and it will surely just push me over the very edge!! Next week's re-check was moved up from next Thursday to this Monday!! Oh, please pray that this turns itself around!!

But, I am just following Nurse's orders of doing nothing!! I am SITTING in my "Stitching Sanctuary" and either sorting things, reorganizing and/or just simply stitching!! I am making slow progress just straighting my chart binders and re-organizing my threads!! Then, I have about four very large plastic storage bins of kits to sort and organize. All that will be left is getting this carpet cleaned and then I will have both my "Stitching Sanctuary" and my kitchen absolutely perfect and just the way I want them!!

So, all I can say is "I am okay"!!

Love and Hugs!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well, I could not get Outlook Express to connect last evening so I was unable to post the few ramblings of my mind!! Since last night, I have had a great change in my condition and it has changed my ramblings!!
My Nurse was here today, and she told me "complete bed rest and extreme caution" until some thing changes!! My stomach is very, very distended once again and a large, and very solid mass is showing and can be easily felt right under my incision!! My Surgeon was a bit leery of this and I can only pray to God it is a fluke that will pass!! I simply can not go through additional surgery either physically or emotionally at this time again!!
As for this posting's pictures!! The above left picture is of my "SCREAM HOUSE" progrss. The frogs, need some one to blame, invaded and made me blind to using called for color of "Taffeta" instead of the "Fire" I did use!! I have had to go and "frog" out the "Fire", but as you can see I am restitching this outer edge of the "Netty Nightshade" wall!! I simply had to put this aside, as it is 30-Count Weeks Dye Works Linen, which is some thing way out of my comfort zone!! I was just too upset about this mistake. Thus, I decided to "frog" and replace stitches a few at a time and try to make it seem like not such a big thing as it obviously is!!
Thus, I picked up my Hallowbiscornu to immediate left above and put in some additional stitches last evening. A major part of last evening was also taken up by my computer deciding to give me a bit of grief also!! I promptly called my Internet Service Provider, my cable company, and spent almost two hours of my morning trying to straighten out my Outlook Express!! Computer was successfully
taken care of, but cable company had no idea of what had happened!!
Also, yesterday afternoon was my second outing via my city's Municipal Transit Authority!! I had an appointment with my General Practitioner. His office is located clear across town and almost to the western city limits, about a 20 minute commute!! I knew the Scheduler had a real tough job of trying to find a spot available to pick me up as I learned Mondays are usually a bear!! Note to remember this tidbit of information!! So, I packed one of the very lovely little canvas totes that Mare Penner had made me about a year ago. I found a set of Halloween ornaments in the JUST CROSS STITCH MAGAZINE's Special Halloween Issue that calls for "Trifles and Tokens" as the material to be stitched on. I found this just perfect as they are quite sturdy and yet small in size. I put my pattern, white, gold and yellow floss bobbins, needles and scissors into my little tote and was prepared for all delays in my Municipal Transit journey!! I did have to leave a bit early for my doctor's appointment and arrive about 30 minutes early at his office. He was not back from lunch at my arrival time, so I assured his receptionist that I would be just fine over by their large window so I could begin my piece of "candy corn"!! My doctor has always been ever so interested in my stitching endeavors, as after my stint of THIRTEEN hospitalizations in 2006, he was quite familiar with it!! I did feel pretty stupid trying to answer, "what was I presently stitching on" as how do you say "a piece of candy corn"!! Dah, another blonde moment!! I was actually with my doctor for about twenty-five minutes so it was nice that I was early and that he had the extra time for me!! Upon my getting done with my doctor, the nurse had his receptionist call for my Municipal Transit Bus. I was told that since this Clinic was way off the normal bus routes that it could be a bit of a wait. This did not bother me in the least as I just went into the entry way and got my wheelchair positioned with help of a nurse to side of entry foyer which is all glass enclosed and was a perfect spot to continue onward on my "candy corn"!! I only had to wait a bit short of fifteen minutes!! This was yet another, actually only my second time ever, of riding a Municipal Transit Bus, however, I found it again to be very pleasant experience. I was quite apprehensive about my first trip, but now it does not bother me at all and will be a welcome and positive thing in my life as I will soon be able to go places simply to just get a break and to get out of my home for a change of scenery!!
My visit with my family doctor was quite interesting!! I was doing very fine!! My doctor was in complete disbelief of how far I have come in such a short period!! He told me he really thought that I would be still hospitalized or have been transferred to the Rehabilitation Unit!! NO WAY!! This doctor was the very one who was adamant that the best placement for me was in a permanent Rehabilitation Center or more likely a "hellhole" Nursing Home just a short time ago!! He told me, he had to admit he had been wrong and that there was no doubting this!! I was so very proud at this very moment!!
My doctor then got on the subject of Max!! He first asked if I was able, or did I want to, discuss Max!! I told him that I had no problems talking about this subject. The doctor told me that he was absolutely "clueless" to the fact that Max had to be such a very great "stressor" in my life for too many years!! I agreed and told him THIRTY years to be exact!! My doctor then told me that he did realize what it was like to try and live with a bi-polar person who would not take their anti-psychotic medications regularly!! He said it must have been more rough on me then he was even beginning to pick up on!! He told me that although Max was a "likable" person, he had complaints from office, as well as hospital, Nurses concerning Max's mouth!! I told him I only knew this all too well. Then, he said, "Max was likable, but..........." and he began to stop and start to try and finish his sentence. I asked, what was he trying to say. My doctor said, he was "trying to find some nice way of saying" and I stopped him. I told him he no longer had to try and find "nice" when it came to discussing Max!! My doctor laughed and then said, "Well, his elevator did not go quite to the top floor"!! Then, I had to laugh!!
My doctor then asked me if I had any idea of taking Max back. I told him that was the one thing I could be absolutely, positively sure about and that I was absolutely NOT ever going to take him back into my home nor did I want to be with Max ever again, not for any reason!! My doctor said, he could not argue with that, and would support me all the way, as he could see such wonderful and shocking changes in me that he never began to expect!! He said he would never "bet against me ever again"!! I felt like a new woman and was super charged leaving that Clinic yesterday!!
And, I got home, and I really craved a cheese omelet!! I have cooked six-course gourmet dinners many times, but an omelet I had never done!! So, I got my good ole cookbooks out for the first time in six long years and I figured it out!! And, I must say it was also a very good success and was quite tasty!!
Kathy and I then began a long after dinner chat last evening also!! Kathy sits back in New York and can assess what is going on here in my life much better than any one else as her vision is not muddied up with every thing else that is going on here!! Kathy pointed out to me that after six years of being told I could not and that I should not that I suddenly WAS!! Kathy said, that Max was nothing, but a self centered unkind and uncaring person who only wanted every thing his way and how he wanted every thing!! She said he continually just hammered in to me all the COULD NOTS and never even gave me a chance at all!! She said, I am simply ot even any semblance of the person I was one year ago at this time. She told me I amazed her at all the things I have been able to do and do very successfully!! I went through this major surgery pretty much on my own with really no support or back up!! And, I did it all most successfully for the most part, or we shall continue to hope!! And, she pointed out all the little accomplishments I have done, and most especially so successfully considering I do not have use of my legs!! Kathy had me feeling very proud of myself and eager to just continue to make progress on this recuperation and reorganization of my home and overhaul of my entire life!! I am so very, very happy once again!! It has probably been at least twenty-five years since I have felt this good about myself and looked forward to each new day of life!! And, to think, I have only just begun!! Max, don't EVER tell me I can't again as NEVER, SAY NEVER to me again!!
And, even though I was in "frogging" mode last evening I still made so real progress on my projects!! As of this afternoon, my Nurse has ordered me to do absolutely NOTHING, but sit still and stitch so I intend to take full advantage of these orders in trying to save myself from another hospitalization and further surgery AND to be able to just stitch, stitch, stitch!! It don't get any better than this!! But, I did get comfy in my lift recliner this afternoon and ended up falling asleep for a rather long nap!!
Now, I am just praying very hard, that whatever is happening in my stomach will pass and work itself out!!
I had so much to say last night, but my mind is clouded with threat of "Unknown" due to stomach!! What a waste of good thought process!! I must work immediately on changing this direction!!
Well, my new Caregiver is going to begin work with me on Thursday, and I must begin to compose a list of things for her "to do" and when to do them!! I want to start her out right and hopefully will have her with me until I can find another to complete my staff totally!! I "think" I have every thing I will need covered that I can not do for my self now and it is the most fantastic feeling in this whole world!!
Well, enough drone and that is what this is amounting to tonight, however, I have promised daily updates so every one knows I am okay!! And, I do feel fantastic and hopefully every thing is just great!! But, time will tell!!
Thank you for dropping in!!
Much Love and Hugs!!
Miprezious, too!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Well, it appears that the photos and my editing still leave a whole lot to be desired!!

I had a real wonderful day today!! I continued to sort and reorganize my chart three-ring binders. I am seeing real good progress!! It will be a slow process!!

Well, the pictures above show "Scream House" in various views. Also, there is a picture of actual progress on my fabric.

Also, I have a photo of a Thank You note that I received in the mail. This Thank You note is from the "the Nurse's and Staff-Surgical Unit" of the hospital that I was in for my surgery. I was absolutely stunned!! I have never heard of such a thing!! I was as kind and considerate as I possibly could be, but I felt I left a whole lot to be desired, especially during the horrific pain time!! The card says, "Dear Mrs. Markham It was a pleasure to take care of you during your stay on the Surgical Unit. Best wishes as you complete your recovery at home. Sincerely, The Nurses and Staff-Surgical Unit".

This card brought on a lot of emotions for me!! These nurses and staff of this Surgical Unit were my whole life line, both physically and emotionally. Of course, this surgery was not planned or expected in any way!! Essentially, I did this surgery alone!! Granny Lou never failed to come by each day and this was a great comfort. Eunice's husband, Marion, came in place of Eunice as she was at home with complete bed rest from illness herself. Marion was very pleasant company and it was so comforting of him!! And, my mother, did come the night of the actual surgery, after ordering my brother to bring her to the hospital in that very, very late hour of the night!! My mother was kept downstairs at the hospital in a waiting room as my brother convinced my mother that this was the proper place to wait!! All this while, I was upstairs in my room yet being comforted by the nurses and staff of the Surgical Unit!! The Anaesthesiologist found my mother and "brother" in a front lobby of the hospital quite by accident as he was enroute to my room upstairs to assist staff in transporting me down to Surgery Suite. Thankfully, he inquired who they were as it seemed unusual for any one to be in the lobby at that late hour. He did put my mother in a wheelchair and brought her up to my room!! I don't know what happened to my brother during this time, nor do I care!! My mother was able to see me for a few minutes, before I was taken down to Surgery Suite as this Anaesthesiologist arranged for this!! He also allowed my mother to go with me down to the Surgery Suite and stay with him and I until I was taken to the Operating Room. My brother was seen lurking in the Holding Area. My mother was allowed to wait and speak to the Surgeon after the operation, but my brother insisted she go home immediately after speaking to him. I awoke to all strangers!! It was a very scary and uncomforting feeling!! The NG tube needed repositioning, a very painful process, and I was aware some one was holding my hand. It turned out this was an X-Ray Tech that was an ex-friend of my sister. (My sister robbed our home while I was hospitalized and connected to full life support in 2004 and I have had NO contact with her since.)

My mother, very carelessly for herself, managed to get out to her car and drove back to the hospital the next day after the surgery. She was in horrible shape upon reaching my room. It was a strained visit as she was in such bad shape from taking this trip that I had to figure out a way to make her return trip safer. My mother insisted she would make it home by her self and essentially did!! I was able to call and get a volunteer to come up to my room with a wheelchair and wheel her down to her car at least so she was not so out of breath!!

My mother was able to make my brother bring her back to the hospital again on Thursday night. However, he put her in a wheelchair to bring her the long distance from the front lobby to my room. Upon reaching my room, my "brother" simply stopped the wheelchair outside my door threshold and gave the wheelchair a shove to get my mother actually in my room!! He allowed her about fifteen minutes to be with me and then came to entry of room and whistled for my mother to edge her way towards him with her feet on the floor and pushing herself in the wheelchair!! How very juvenile!! I have no idea what in the world is wrong with him, and quite frankly, I don't give a damn!! My mother says she does not know, but I do not know whether to believe her. I was in a "hellhole" Nursing Home in 2006. Max found my brother attempting to make a deal with the Nursing Home Director to keep me forever, instead of agreed upon rehabilitation time. I think my brother is VERY upset with the fact I am still "Executor" of my mother's

affairs!! Max found out what was going on and he just up and took me out of that Nursing Home immediately!! My brother threatened to never speak to either of us or help either of us again. It was not like he had ever helped us before!!

But, nevertheless, I had a good visit with my mother!! Other than this, my only communication with my mother was over the phone.

I did not want my name printed in the local paper as a hospital admission as my home was simply occupied by Miprezious. After my own sister, breaking in and robbing our home for drugs, I did not want my hospitalization to be news!! Consequently, very few of my friends knew I was hospitalized. I was really too tired and in too much pain to notify them either!! Thus, there were few visitors the entire ten days I was hospitalized.

It truly was Nancy and Meari's visit that turned things around for me!! I truly felt like I was human once again!! And, it was the lovely tea cup full of beautiful flowers from Debra Hall!! And, it was the many, many emails and personal telephone calls from so many of my I.L.C.S. Group that kept my spirits up!!

However, when it came right down to it, I felt it was "the nurses and staff" that truly kept me going day to day!! But, yet, I received this Thank You note from them!! This brought on a whole lot of emotion for me!! Then, I received another telephone call from Kathy K. and she pointed out to me that I have come along so far. She told me that if this surgery had taken place about two years ago, about when she and I became such good friends, that I would never have made it through it like I have. I had never stopped to think about this all. I really have had a very successful recuperation thus far, and I foresee absolutely no further problems!! I am just thoroughly exhausted all the time, however, I continue to put one foot in front of the other in making progress, yet not doing any thing too over taxing!! But, I do have to admit Kathy was absolutely right and I have come a long way!! This feels just like a start in my fight for my independence from my handicapping legs!!

Well, I must get a sincere "Thank You" gathered in my thoughts for all the wonderful members of the I.L.C.S. Group who were such good friends and family to me in place of having my own!! But, I do intend to post each day from now on so no one has to worry about "how I am doing"!! It is impossible for me to write every one so I hope for at least awhile this Blog will suffice in allowing every one know where and how I am!! This is also going to make me responsible for some progress each day with my project "Scream House" or some other one, as I will have to post some progress picture!!

Enough rambling!!

Love and Hugs!!

Deborah and Miprezious

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Happy Saturday!!
Well, this was too easy!! I should of had a contest of "Name This Rag"!! No, this is not a dust cloth or a rag!! It is my soon to be attached to me forever Weeks Dye Works piece of linen!! I opened my "Scream House" and was very, very skeptical about this piece of cloth!!
I immediately mailed MoM Rene and asked for clarification!! She assured me "yes, it is simply Weeks Dye Works Linen"!! And, she gave me assurance it would be all right!! Wait till her piece arrives on Monday!!
And, this my friends is the entire sum of many hours spent on "Scream House" last evening!!
I have a real darn long way to go with this project to have a dislike for the linen fabric it is to be stitched on!!
Well, 30-Count Weeks Dye Works Linen we are going to learn to be friends!!
Today, was another spectacular day for me!! I can not believe how hard it was to get to surgery and how incredibly easy it has been for me in recuperation!! I finally had to take a pain medication tonight as the actual incision is giving me a bit of the "OUCH" factor!! But, if I could just get over this extreme bout of pure exhaustion, I think I will feel real good!!
And, I got to thinking today, who in the world could get so sick and to have the main cause be that I was full of Sxxx, forget that, POOP!! Oh well, go figure!! Talk about stuffing, 5# of in a 3#............!!
I spent most of today pouring through three four-inch high three-ring binders that were just my Christmas related charts! It is downright crazy the number of duplicate charts I have acquired.
I do not even particularly care for the Just Nan's "Jolly Old Elf", however, I have found TEN of them!! And, I continue to downsize...............
Well, I am signing off tonight so I can continue "Scream House"!!
BOO to all!!
Deborah and Miprezious

Friday, September 19, 2008

BOO WEEKEND!!! September 19, 2008


I have just had a major "bump in my road", unfortunately again!! But, I am a survivor and I have just set my mind that this is going to be a perfect recuperation period for me and my beloved Miprezious!! Yes, Miprezious needs recuperation time also as she was severely traumatized by being left alone for these eleven days!! So, we are going to have some real bonding time, just the two of us, this entire weekend!!

I have a million thank yous that are long over due, but I need to think on this just another day or so and I will be making a hopefully more correct post the first time through!! So, please do not feel each, and every one of you are ever so dearly appreciated!! I will try to be making a long story as short as I can also so every one understands just what did happen!! So, please just know I have not forgotten a single one of you!!

I received my "SCREAM HOUSE" by Just Nan about a hour ago!! It is detailed, detailed and more detailed!! I tried to take some pictures as I ever so carefully unwrapped each lovely piece!! However, the pictures turned out very poorly!! Not going to take the time to fret over them as I have a whole lot of stitching to do, after hours and hours of instructions!!

Okay, this calls for 30-Count Weeks Dye Works Tin Roof Linen for exterior of house and 30-Count Weeks Dye Works Peoria Purple Linen for the interior of house!! It also needs DMC White, 209, 310, 581, 947, 971, 972, 971/972, 3032/3782, 3787, 3819, 3828, 3833, and 3837 floss. It needs Weeks Dye Works Molasses, Basil, Charcoal, Taffeta, and Fire threads. And, it needs DMC #12 Perle Cotton in 310, and Striped Pumpkin Bead, Spider Bead and Halloween Moon Visions Charm Embellishments!!

There is pages and pages of instructions and "warnings"!! There is a regular Just Nan chart for "SCREAM HOUSE". There is a large booklet that is Stitch Guide and another very large booklet of "Pamela's Final Touch Finishing Instructions"!! This list requirements needed of Skirtex,

Fusible Interfacing, Snap, Weeks Dye Works overdyed wool in Chartreuse, Pumpkin, and Terra Cotta, Template Page, more finishing instructions, Aleene's Tacky Glue, Black Nail Polish (available at Walgreen's or WalMart), fiberfill, DMC Floss 581, 971 and 310, DMC Perle Cotton 310, Basic Sewing Supplies, Manual cording drill for twisted cord. It also calls for Mourning Pins!!

And, all I can say to all this is EEK, BOO-HOO, and a general "Oh, Good Lord, Girlfriend what have you gotten your self in to?"!!!!! I may be calling in all spook lovers to help me get this house constructed!!

I will attempt to post what pictures I did get, such as they are!!

And, I had much more worry this past two-three weeks than my self!! My Best Friend, Best Ever Neighbor and beloved Caregiver, Eunice, went down into bed very ill!! She has went through endless tests continously during this time!! Nothing, was being found and she continued to get worse each new day!!

Yesterday, I will tell you I raised a whole lot of concern with my friends and neighbors!! Eunice, at first hearing this rumor told me she knew it could not be true and that if it was she was absolutely forbiding me to carry out a plan I had formed. I needed to get my staples and stitches taken out yesterday at a Clinic I absolutely hate!! My Surgeon just has the misfortune of being connected with this "know nothing" group of medical providers!! I knew that Granny Lou (85-year old neighbor right next door) had been on a bus trip that kept her away from 5:00 a.m. till 10:00 p.m. the day preceding yesterday and I knew she would need to sleep in to get enough proper rest to catch up again as she would be quite upset if she missed her daily workout at Curves Fitness Center!! She also forbid me and said she would get up to take me to Surgeon.

Eunice had to have another round of tests and she was "XXXX bent" to get a bit of strength as she is adamant she is going to leave tomorrow morning at 5:00 a.m. for a 7-day Bahamas Islands cruise again!! And, as of now she is still saying she is going!! And, she told me I was forbidden to "break out" yesterday and that she also would be home between tests and would take me to my Surgeon!!

Well, I had already decided that I had pretty much made it through those ten horrific days of my surgery and hospitalization alone and SURVIVED!! Thus, I called this city's Municipal Transit System and arranged for a handicapped bus/van come to my driveway and pick me up in my wheelchair and transport me, yes alone, to my Surgeon's office!! And, much to dismay of all, I did do just this!!

I had very pleasant transports both to and from by two different very nice van drivers!! It went very smooth and I just took another huge step towards my INDEPENDNESS once again!! Every thing just went absolute perfect!!

Upon arriving on my street in the return home trip I noticed Eunice's garage door up. This garage is like the closet you would like to nail shut!! It is FULL side to side and top to bottom!! It is down right dangerous to open that door!! I wondered why!! Well, one very nervous "MOM" was sitting in the doorway and was over in my driveway giving the van driver instructions on how to handle my wheelchair faster than a speeding bullet!! I could not believe she could make it across the street that fast!! But, you know, I honestly was completely apprehensive about whether I actually could make this trip alone yesterday and was ever so relieved and happy to know my beloved Eunice's hands were once again in control of my wheelchair and I knew I was again safe in transferring over my two steps into kitchen doorway!!

But, I had SUCCESS, I DID IT, and I am ever so proud of my climb from crawling on the basement floor to do a load of wash to actually scheduling and using public transportation for the first time in my entire life!! Something, about this, had me panic stricken and I was quite unsure of what would take place yesterday!! This made this victory just all the sweeter!!

After getting me transferred and in the house Eunice told me the doctor had just called and that they thought they "finally" knew what was the matter with her!! Praise the Lord, I thought, but only ever so briefly!! Eunice said, "the doctor says she has a blockage to her heart"!! My heart sank!! Oh, how I wanted a reason, but not particularly that one for her!! All I could think was the many, many times she had wrestled my wheelchairs, and me, to the point of exhaustion!!

She said the doctor wanted her to see a local Cardiologist immediately yesterday, but Eunice said "No way a local"!! She told him she wanted my Quad-City Cardiologist who has been caring for me for some 40 years and had gotten me through my heart failure and life support in 2005!! Eunice has seen this Cardiologist work with me several times and she really liked him from first time!! Eunice said her local doctor said she would have to make a long drive to see my Cardiologist and Eunice said "well some things are worth the extra effort and she wanted an appointment set with my Cardiologist"!! So, the local doctor said his office would be in touch!!

Well, about 8:00 p.m. last evening, Eunice got a call from my Quad-City Cardiologist and she was to be seen by him at 8:15 a.m. this morning!! Eunice and our "family" a.k.a. as neighborhood began immediate chats on this!! Eunice was quite cool, calm and collected!! But, she was extemely apprehensive about locating the hospital where she was to be seen at!! I finally got another "brain fart" and said, "forget all the different directions, as she was going my route as I was going to make sure she got there in calm shape without a single wrong turn"!! I was still a bit frazzled from the 50+ staples that had just been removed that morning and no one was really letting me move very much even!! I got looks like my morphine was peaking out again!! I then added that I fully intended to just ride along with Eunice and keep her company as well as for once finally being able to tell her what to do, even if it only amounted to left, right, right!!! Eunice asked "now, how do you think you are going to travel with that belly being barely a week out from post-surgery"?? I told her she was going to telephone me after she got out of her morning shower, as I can not shower yet, and wake me to just ride along and getting a full hour for private chat to catch up these last ten days!!

And, I did get up at 6:30 a.m. this morning after Eunice's wake-up call, although I really slept none as I was so panic stricken for Eunice as I truly felt this Cardiologist was just not seeing her this morning for simple fact of her wanting to leave for Bahamas tomorrow!! And, Eunice did come over and helped me out of house and we were off to Quad-Cities, U.S.A.!!!

We had very pleasant drive and arrived only ten minutes late!! Eunice simply brought my light transport wheelchair, which is great for ease in handling, but I have no control over it at all and Eunice must push it!! It was quite funny as all the nurses were just naturally starting for me to assist me in getting out of chair!! One asked could I stand by myself and I told her "Yes, I can and thank you for asking"!! She looked very strange!! Then, she said, "Well, do you think you can stand on this scale for just one minute"? I told her, "Well, yes I probably could, but if she thought I was a bit heavy that perhaps she should just say so, instead of picking me out of this office to want to weigh"!! She looked at me again, and said "have she offended me or some thing"? and I told her "No, not at all"!! Then, she said "Was there a problem and poor Eunice is just back of me cracking up"!! I told her "No problem, but she should be a little more careful in asking some one what they weighed as some one could take offense"!! And, she just looked at us so strange and darn Eunice burst out laughing!! Then, nurse says, "Oh, are you not the patient"? I told her, "Poor Save"!! And, then the nurse suddenly started apologizing as "she just thought I was the patient"!! And, I simply told her "Yeah, just pick on the handicapped one of the bunch"!! We all just laughed like idiots who knew no better!! Sure broke ice for Eunice though!!

Cardiologist came in and he could not understand the "north locals" we deal with here a.k.a. our doctors!! He said he had not been sent any of the important tests results, but he thought he wanted to see test results him self as he did not feel Clintonian could maybe read them correctly!! After much ado to try to get records faxed the doctor came back in and said he from what he did have and after checking Eunice out that he feels her problems are "muscular and not cardiac"!! Oh, I sure hope we have answered prayer right there!! The doctor is to call her prior to some time this evening and see if he gets her help for this or would she need an angiogram!!

We then left Quad-Cities and came back to Village Inn and had a great big and wonderful breakfast!!

I just hope my dear friend gets much rest on cruise and comes back ready to hit Physical Therapy and get feeling better again!! Or, if she needs an angiogram she feels stronger to get through it and get her feeling better again!! Eunice has seen all the Islands and hates shopping!!

She intends to stay on cruise ship in bed!! She even says she is planning on ordering "room service" and stay in bed!! Sounds like fun to me - NOT!!! But, whatever it takes for her!!

Her best friend from Clinton and from Chicago are going on this cruise as well as her favorite son from Chicago so I think she will be gently nudged from that bed before she knows it!!

I am feeling quite well with needing NO additional pain meds than my usual daily morphine dosage that I must take for any quality of life!! So, I feel right now that life is good!!

I have my darling little Miprezious who is much overdo for a grooming and is ever so cuddly!! I plan to just let her sit on the leg rest of my lift recliner while I try to get through all the "SCREAM HOUSE" instructions!!

I Am Going To Be Okay!! I Am A Survivor!! I have my darling Miprezious to cuddle!! I see much improvement in my dear friend Eunice!! So, my life is great and I can just blame this "SCREAM HOUSE" for any thing that can possibly go wrong this weekend!!

Now, let's see about these very less than adequate pictures!!

Much Love and Hugs!!



Miprezious Dee Dee II