I have finally reached my "fantasy" point of being able to do nothing, but stitch as I wish to do so. I have already had several days where I stitch from the moment I get up straight through to the moment I decide to go to bed. However, there have been very few nights that I get to bed as I have developed bad habit of falling asleep in my stitching nest till about 5:30 a.m. in the morning!! Kathy K. has made me promise to buy an alarm clock to set by my stitching nest to set so I will get up and go in to my bed. Overall, I am loving every moment of this time!!
I know some people will feel I am bragging, but I truly am not. I can not stand a person that does such and as I have said so many times before I would like to go on liking my self!! Believe me, I would much rather be complaining of little time to stitch due to having family and children, or a job and most of all my dear husband back to do things with and for!!
I have posted updates on my progress below.
First, is my MILL HILL kit called "Boo Ghost". He is finished.

Next is my SAM SARAH STUDIO called "Daily Life". It is a larger center which I am working on that is surrounded by twelve other squares that are released monthly. I have no idea why, but I simply can not put this piece down, other than I love the fabric color and that is surely no reason to stay fixed on this project!!

And, in my big effort of "de-stashing", I found an older JUST CROSS STITCH Magazine with a chart by FANCI THAT. It is called " Halloween Manor". I also love this one and can not seem to put it down!!

Another treasure unearthed in "de-stashing" was "Alphabet Doll" by THE NEEDLE'S NOTION. I choose "D" for the monogram for this doll. There are three designs to choose from and I am very sure I will be stitching many more!! I normally NEVER stitch a chart twice!! Again, I loved this one and could not put it down much all week. I just have to get one more full sunny afternoon so I can see to place the remaining two dozen beads and then figure out how I am going to put a flower in her hat. The chart calls for lazy daizy stitch for leaves and French Knots for flowers and I do not do well with either of these particular types of stitches. Think I will do regular cross stitches and perhaps add beads on flower ones. These dolls are finished by stuffing them and they then are to stand up.

I also had another finish of a small DOODLES project. It is called "Frosty Friends". I simply forgot to photograph it so it will have to wait until next posting. I stitched it for Karen so she could follow it as she purchased this same kit as her first "starter". I would be so happy to see Karen get hooked on stitching also. Although, she always brings her crocheting and/or knitting and stitches along with my cross stitching. I prepared a chair with an OTT lamp for Debra to use while she was here visiting. I decided to just leave it as it is so as to have a second stitching nest for Karen and hopefully other stitching visitors. Makes my living room look really strange, but this is a home made for stitchers and their stitchings!!
And, lastly I have to share a picture of my beloved neighbor, Granny Lou, a.k.a. Mary Lou, that was taken on Thursday. All the first of this past week, I truly wrestled with some thing I was trying to bring out of my mind. I went to sleep trying to remember and woke up resuming to try!! Finally, early on Thursday morning, I woke as I was not feeling too well, but also I finally remembered!! It was Granny Lou's 87th birthday!! I immediately went in to panic mode!! However, I first called Karen and was immediately assured every thing would be taken care of.
A few hours later, Karen arrived with a lovely ice cream birthday cake, a box of Granny Lou's favorite chocolates from me, gifts that Karen had crocheted from her and all the wrapping, cards, etc.!! We soon were on our way across my driveway to Granny Lou's and rang her doorbell. I had called Granny to ask if Karen could stop to show her the newest things she had done with her stitching just to make sure Granny had no plans and would be home earlier. Granny was so surprised and happy to see us. We went in and had cake and Granny opened her gifts. Granny insisted we then go in her living room and chat with her for awhile. Well, much to my utter embarrassment, I fell fast asleep on Granny Lou's sofa!! Karen had a lovely couple of hours visit with Granny Lou thankfully. All I can say, is I would kill to look as good as Granny Lou does at her age of 87. She still goes to Curves Exercise Salon each day as well as volunteers many hours each week at our local hospital. And, she will navigate our driveways, regardless of weather, to check on me each and every day!! She is one fabulous lady!! Her daughter came today from Des Moines and so Granny's celebrating has went on!!

Well, I am off to stitch and see how much I can accomplish this week.
I really want a finish!!
Love and Hugs!!