Good Evening All!!
This is the total sum of months of digging and stacking to the ceiling and wall-to-wall of S T A S H!!
And, it is all going to be STASH TO GO!!
I have not begun to figure out how to list it and/or distribute it!! Any ideas? Wish I had better access to every one's Wish Lists!!
I only know I want it all GONE!!
I have dozens and dozens of pictures to post and things to tell, but I have not had a minute where I have felt up to it when I have had the time. Pretty much only had "down" time when I have not been feeling well the past several weeks!!
Debbie has truly been through almost every single inch of this home, including the entire lower level!! It is now "pretty much all up to me as it is almost all "my" stitchy things"!! Okie Dokie!! I have some moving and motating to get done!!
It is truly a tremendous, best of best, feeling to finally get caught up!!
These pictures are pretty much self explanatory!!
I have another update regarding my KUSTOM KRAFTS giveaway!!
Love and Hugs!!
Magazines!! Magazines!! Magazines!!
Magazines!! Magazines!! Magazines!!
Charts!! Charts!! Charts!! Charts!!
Yes, even that purse is to be stitched!!
Charts!! Charts!! Charts!! Charts!!