I sort of was just on auto-pilot since loosing Miprezious and Max. I still am in many ways, but decided 2015 was going to be my year to "get it back together" and I have started to ease in to this now. Going to attempt to keep my Blog up, going and kept hopefully some what interesting. And, foregoing any more injuries, I am going to "smoke" my needles and finally do what I always wanted to do - being stitching from sun up to almost sun up the following day as I still am not sleeping well.
I am approaching my third lonely Christmas which will be compounded with our upcoming 35th wedding anniversary on Saturday. I have at least went through the motions. I was able to give a toy to two different children who were not going to have any thing for Christmas. I hope they enjoy them as much as possible. I began my stitching with making a list and trying to make some thing that meant some thing to each receiver. Unfortunately, I did not get too far on my list as things went slower than I ever thought. Going to try to transfer pictures to here on just what I have accomplished and what I am working on. Hope I remember how to do this!!
SUCCESS!! I captured the pictures. I am still the worst at taking pictures. Perhaps, a photography class should be in my 2015!!
The first five pictures are of a Scandinavian ornament collection. I thought it too plain and even wanted to finish in some sort of ribbons. However, I have read up on this subject as much as I could and every thing points to things being kept plain. And, thus this is exactly what I have tried to do. These ornaments are stitched on very sparkly fabric so it looks much like snow background. Every one so far loves them. However, they are for a very special lady from my church. She lost her beloved husband shortly after I did Max. Thus, I know exactly where she is with the holidays although she is blessed with a big and wonderful family albeit they are mostly living out of town. I have read her many posts on Norwegian customs and the like and thus when I saw these Scandinavian ornaments I had to stitch them for her. She also had serious health issues compounded with a serious accident while still recuperating (actually happened in her doctor's clinic building). I said very special prayers while I stitched each of these. Not into crocheting or knitting "prayer shawls" so perhaps, I can start a new "prayer ornament"!!
The next picture is a large project I have started for myself. It is called "Trinity". It is going to be quite large as there are three pieces each the size below. There is "Father", "Son" and "Spirit". Below is "Spirit". Each goes through the entire alphabet A-Z and there is a word describing "Spirit" for each alphabet letter (A is for Author, B is for Breath, C is for Comforter, etc. After all twenty-six words are stitched in I go back over this entire piece and stitch in a "shadow" that will say "Spirit". Probably not describing this well, but it is gorgeous when all done!! I have to quit going to shows, etc. that show all these nice new things!!
I thought I was doing rather well, but my doctor disagrees with me. He has started additional in-home Physical and Occupational therapies and more days for bath aide and nurse. I do not think I can remember a time within the last ten years that there was not in-home professionals here!! My legs are holding their own for the most part. I simply can not be up on them very long!! However, my arms have become affected also. Last week, my doctor said he had never seen a shoulder so bad, however, he will not allow the corrective surgery it so badly needs. He says it is just too risky to put me under anesthesia again along with any surgery most likely would make my RSD spread to my upper part of my body. Thus, I will continue to just figure out new and innovative ways to get done what I need to get done!! I did Thanksgiving dinner this year and plan on doing both Xmas Eve and Xmas Day. I have to admit I did have a LOT of help from my friends and aide. My sister is remarkably trying to help a bit here and there as she says she now realizes what I am going through each day.
I refuse to complain though. My cancer has not returned. I have a lovely home with every thing I have ever wanted in it. I have a nice vehicle in my garage should I ever be able to get at it again!! I have more needle stash than many small shops. Thus, I am quite content and happy. The only thing I really want is my beloved Miprezious and Max back, but I am well aware that is not going to happen!!
Getting back to my stitching groups and hopefully will keep up with my Blog!!
Merry Christmas to all my friends and stitchers!!
Monday, December 15, 2014
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