It has been way too long since I posted any thing and there are now rumblings of "where is Deborah" among my Groups!! Thus, I am posting to let every one know that I am okay!! I have never been so all out excruciating tired in all of my life!! Yesterday, was finally crash day!! I got up at 5:00 a.m. to see that Max got off to dialysis on time and well. Then I thought well good I have at least four hours of totally uninterupted stitching!! I so had looked forward to these four hours!! But, no I zonked out and went into deep sleep!! Max came back at 10:00 a.m. and I got up to make sure he was okay and to fix us a quick breakfast. I got this accomplished and went back to get a very troublesome knot out of my #12 Perle thread I am using on my newest project THE SWEETHEART TREE "Stitcher's Favorite" Biscornu. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep again and thank the good Lord so was Max!! He awoke me needing a multitude of nothing, but serious things to him!! However, to my shock and disbelief it was 6:00 p.m. and Miprezious immediately also started demanding "Mommy" time and was quite in a "snit" her supper had also not been served. I had pork with sage and onion dressing in mind, but it was not some thing to have been started at 6:00 p.m. at night, short of wanting to eat at towards bedtime hour. Thus, I had to do an about face, and decide what I could cook in an amazing short time!! I decided on Birdseye Alfredo Chicken Voila in which I add a package of frozen Reames Home-Style Noodles. Thus, I had dinner made and ready to be served within a very short period of time and we all did sit down and ate supper. I told Max he could at least try to help me do some of the cleanup and dishes and he readily helped. However, we both went back to our separate spots and both fell to sleep again till about midnight when Mi woke us both up protesting she had not had her ice cream bedtime snack as of yet. We got ice cream for every one and quickly ate it and went straight back to bed. I literally had slept from Friday evening about 5:00 p.m. until about 8:00 a.m. Sunday!! But, I truly had an extremely hard week with Max!! But, yet my sleeping did not stop with getting up on Sunday!! I got up about 8:00 a.m. today, Sunday, to enable me to get to church on time. We barely slid into church on time and we have been assigned the very front pew as it will accomodate my wheel chair. I was in the service, but no way could I follow along and keep up with the right place through out the service!! Upon getting home, I fixed some sausage and eggs. and we all ate and it was back to bed for every one again. We set two alarms as we were scheduled to return to church for the annual "Blessing of the Animals" Service at 3:00 p.m. Both alarms rang and we both heard them and one thought the other had gotten up to get the other person up in time, while in reality neither of us had gotten up. About 2:50 p.m., Max came running in my bedroom and told me we were going to be late for the Blessing Service. I got up and literally jumped right back into my church clothes, go Mi ready and we were off to church again. I have vowed to stay awak until at least bed time this evening as NO ONE needs to sleep as much as I have done all weekend!!
But, this sleep was such a welcome blessing!! Max has taken to wandering again and when he is up, unfortunately, I must also be up. Poor Max has had an absolutely horrific week once again this past week. He grows weaker each day and can do less each new day!! Max simply is not doing well in any shape or form!! He continues to deteriorate each day!! I have vowed to keep him at home just as long as I posibly can!! He is confused most of the time and is not able to follow even my simplest instructions!! He has fallen twice this past week and both were quite serious falls. I believe it was Thursday he fell flat on his face in the middle of my Stitching Sanctuary and there was no getting him up as far as I was able to do!! I punched the push button for Eunice and Marion when I discovered there was no getting him off the floor and Marion responded immediately. Max has lost such drastic weight that Marion was easily able to wrap his arms around Max and pull him straight up to being on his own feet again.
I do not have the slightest idea of what I am going to do at this time. I have been able to get a gal part-time and her name is Lisa. She is really very good and will do any thing that I ask of her!! I also secured a way of ordering all my groceries needed and have them delivered. This is a very great help. I found a laundromat that will take our wash in first thing in the morning and have it ready by late afternoon at the latest of the same day. This helps immensely!! Lisa is more than willing to drop it off and pick it up!! I have had to resort to taking the Municipal Transit System my self about a year ago and am quite sure both Max and I can resort to it again if the need arises. Max is still driving, but only when he has me in the car with him so I can be that second pair of eyes looking and watching the other traffic. However, we both know it is only going to be a very short time before he can not drive him self any more.
Max just continues to deteriorate is about all I can say to describe his condition presently!! I fear should his name come to the tope of the National Donor Transplant List tomorrow it will be too late as he can not handle that type of surgery in the physical shape he is in today any longer!! It is simply a very sad and tragic thing to see happening!! I do not think Max has given it much thought or at least he has not indicated such to me!! It is all so just unfair!!
I am trying to stitch to keep my mind at ease and sane through out all these weeks!! I do have a whole bunch of finishes and can not wait to get time to photograph all of them and additionally my Stitching Sanctuary real soon!!
Well, I just wanted to check in with every one and let you all know that I am okay!! Unfortunately, I get very little time on the computer any more. So, please if you need to get in touch with me, please write "IMPORTANT" in capital letters in the subject line on your email and I will try to skim my emails every day or so!! I miss keeping in touch with you all and also just reading and keeping up with the Groups. I am hoping this is just a temporary thing and will not last too much longer. I just feel trying to take care of Max is far more important than any thing else I can do right now!!
I hope all of you are welll and thigs are going okay!!
Love and Hugs!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
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